365 Days Of Bitcoin History…

117 min readOct 30, 2023


3rd October (2008): Craig Wright Awarded GIAC Security Expert Malware (GSE-Malware).
Craig Wright is 1 of 4 individual in the world to obtain this certification.
“These individuals will be the elite of malware security, the top practitioners in the field…” — The Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC)

3rd October (2010): Email threads 473–482

3rd October (2010): SMF php code. Email 235

4th October (2010): Satoshi posted about “increase block size limit.”

5th October (2009): The first known Bitcoin price, or exchange rate, recorded on 5 October 2009 was published on what was the world’s first Bitcoin exchange site, New Liberty Standard (NLS), a site which offered a service to buy and sell Bitcoins in exchange for US dollars using PayPal.

https://www.bullionstar.com/blogs/ronan-manly/dawn-of-bitcoin-price-discovery-2009-2011-the-very-early-bitcoin-exchanges/ https://web.archive.org/web/20091229132610/http://newlibertystandard.wetpaint.com/page/Exchange+Rate https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=97.0

5th October (2009): On 5th October 2009, when the BTC first had a market price 0.07639 cents per BTC, there were 22,957 wallet addresses belonging to an estimated 18,638 people. On that day you could buy 1300 BTC with one dollar.

6th October (2014): The most notorious Bitcoin bear in history abruptly sold 30,000 BTC. Bulls answered the call, holding the price at $300.

6th October (2016): Samson Mow posted…

7th October (1940): In 1944, the McCollum memo was declassified. On October 7, 1940, Lieutenant Commander Arthur McCollum submitted an eight-step plan to provoke Japan into attacking the US. President Roosevelt throughout 1941 implemented all 8 recommendations. Following the eighth provocation Japan attacked, & America entered World War 2.
(Via Station H, FDR knew about the attack beforehand. The public was told it was a surprise & an “intelligence failure.”)

7th October (2019): Zenesys publishes — THE ULTIMATE HISTORY OF BITCOIN

8th October (2015): Gemini Exchange Launched. Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss released their own US based Bitcoin exchange dubbed “Gemini”. Upon launch, the exchange was licensed to operate in 26 states and was able to “service both individual and institutional customers” due to its LLTC corporate structure. Gemini was also able to offer FDIC insurance on customer deposits thanks to a partnership with a New York based bank. The exchange aims to be fully compliant with US law with a policy to first “ask for permission, not forgiveness”. Sources: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/winklevoss-twins-announce-the-launch-of-gemini-bitcoin-exchange-1444058291

9th October (2010): Key pool feature for safer wallet backup.

10th October (2014): Judge Rejects Defence That FBI Illegally Hacked Silk Road — On a Technicality

10th October (2019): Charlie Lee excuses himself from being responsible for any losses incurred by those who invested in his Lite Coin creation.


10th October (2024): Craig Wright filed a £911,050 million claim in the UK High Court, Chancery Division against BTC Core partnership & Square.

12th October (1960): Socialism ended in Japan…

12th October (2009): The first time Bitcoin actually gained value when Martti Malmi, a Finnish developer that helped Satoshi work on Bitcoin, sold ₿5050 for $5.02, a price of $0.0009 per Bitcoin. https://whatsonchain.com/block-height/24835

13th October

14th October

15th October

16th October (1793): Marie Antoinette was guillotined by French revolutionaries. But what you think know about her is a lie — the media turned her into history’s greatest scapegoat.

16th October (2019): Pumpkin Lady incident at the London CCForum. Angelina Lazar “Farmer Creg, pumpkin man Creg…”


17th October

18th October

19th October (2017): Crypto Kitties unveiled at ETH Waterloo, an Ethereum hackathon.

20th October (2017): Cobra posted…

21st October (2011): The Economist Magazine publishes an article titled: The bursting of the Bitcoin bubble

22nd October (2015): EU Declares No VAT on Bitcoin Trades. The European Court of Justice ruled that the exchange of Bitcoin and “virtual currencies” is not subject to value-added-tax (VAT) in the European Union. The ruling acts to classify Bitcoin and related alt-coins as currency, instead of goods or property. This ruling is in contrast to the United States’ classification of Bitcoin as both a currency (according to FINCEN) and commodity (according to CFTC/IRS). Sources: http://www.cnbc.com/2015/10/22/bitcoin-now-tax-free-in-europe-after-court-ruling.html http://www.newsbtc.com/2015/10/25/no-vat-bitcoin-exchanges-exempted-from-value-added-tax-in-eu/

25th October (2017): The last time Ruja Ignatova (The Missing Crypto Queen) was seen alive, in Greece.

26th October…

27th October (1666): The date Hubert was hanged at Tyburn.

28th October (2017): Bitconnect Pattaya, Thailand conference

28th October (2021): Facebook changed its name to Meta, after Dr Craig Wright first introduced the term Metanet at the CoinGeek conference in London on 30th November 2018.

29th October (2013): Max Keiser predicting a $1 million Bitcoin price.

29th October (2015): Bitcoin Investor Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Oct. 29–30, 2015. Craig Wright explains to Nick Zabo, & the watching world, for the first time that Bitcoin script is Turing Complete through the use of control loops, making Bitcoin a general purpose computing language. https://rumble.com/v1pd7in-bitcoin-investor-conference-las-vegas-nv-oct.-29-30-2015.html

30th October (2007): (prior to The Bitcoin White Paper release 2008.Oct.31) Craig Wright published a paper for Northumbria University titled: Payments Providers and Intermediaries as Defined in the Law of the Internet. The paper demonstrates comprehensive knowledge regarding the laws surrounding electronic payments.

30th October (2008): On this date in reference to being awarded the GIAC Security Expert Malware (GSE-Malware) certification on 3rd Oct 2008, and being only 1 of 4 individuals in the world to be awarded the certification, Craig Wright is quoted as describing it as…
“One of the hardest certifications ever devised.” — Craig Wright

31st October (2008): The pseudonymous author of the Bitcoin White Paper, ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’, plagiarised Craig Wright’s work from his paper for Northumbria University in the publication of the Bitcoin White Paper using this exact sentence structure: “a purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a…https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3440802
Published by Craig Wright. Date Written: August 21, 2008.
Published by “Satoshi Nakamoto”. Date Written: October 31, 2008.

31st October 2008

31st October (2015): Bitcoin Featured on Front Page of The Economist. The Economist, a globally popular British publication focused on economic liberalism, made it’s article “The Trust Machine” the featured cover story of it’s weekly print edition. The article focused mainly on the utility of blockchain technology, promoting the idea that banks and government institutions may implement their own blockchains to create “cheap, tamper-proof public databases”. Sources: http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21677198-technology-behind-bitcoin-could-transform-how-economy-works-trust-machine

31st October (2017): The Spars Pandemic: 2025–2028 (2017)
“A futuristic scenario for public health risk communicators.”

31st October (2019): Luke Dash Jr posted out on Twitter: “Mining is NOT supposed to be profitable.”

31st October (2023): Bitcoin Nation: How Sound Money Can Fix Democracy, by Michael Anton Fischer first published.

1st November 2010— The price of Bitcoin was $0.19

1st November (2010): The original Bitcoin logo created by Satoshi Nakamoto was updated by user ‘bitboy’ (not to be confused with social influencer BitBoy Crypto, Ben Armstrong) to celebrate the 2nd anniversary release of the Bitcoin white paper on 31st October 2008. The ₿ was made white, the background made orange (set on the CMYK values of 0,50,100,0) & rotated/tilted, clockwise by 14%.

The colour for the 1st November 2010 Bitcoin logo was set on the CMYK values of 0,50,100,0. Any Hex, RGB, or HSL values are only ever derived based upon whatever graphical editing software someone uses.

2nd November (1917): Balfour Declaration. The criminal elite aim to create a country for themselves as a safe haven while they encourage mass migration to the wealthiest areas of the world in order to instigate the biblical prophecy of Armageddon.

2nd November (2011): The price of Bitcoin was $3

2nd November (2022): CoinDesk broke the ongoing story of the FTX Exchange that has shocked the crypto industry. According to a private document CoinDesk reviewed, much of Alameda’s $14.6 billion of assets were the its own FTT token issued by FTX, another SBF FTX company. https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/11/02/divisions-in-sam-bankman-frieds-crypto-empire-blur-on-his-trading-titan-alamedas-balance-sheet/

2nd November (2023): Attorney and former Advisor for ETH, Steven Nerayoff, posted: “Ethereum is the fraudulent elephant in the room in plain sight 1000x bigger than SBF. Joe Lubin & Vitalik Buterin have been the front with corrupt officials at the highest levels of federal agencies such as Clayton, Gensler & many others. Cover this now.”- Steven Nerayoff



Ethereum is a security offering as defined by S.E.C vs W.J. Howey Co 1946… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mjyJ__DUac&list=PLvaB8ohrCVhvyFJOh_Ery2oSgeNZZhFZP&index=35

3rd November (2008): “Long before the network gets anywhere near as large as that, it would be safe for users to use Simplified Payment Verification (section 8) to check for double spending, which only requires having the chain of block header…” — Satoshi Nakamoto

3rd November (2008): “The bandwidth might not be as prohibitive as you think. A typical transaction would be about 400 bytes (ECC is nicely compact). Each transaction has to be broadcast twice, so lets say 1KB per transaction. Visa processed 37 billion transactions in FY2008, or an average of 100 million transactions per day. That many transactions would take 100GB of bandwidth, or the size of 12 DVD or 2 HD quality movies, or about $18 worth of bandwidth at current prices.
If the network were to get that big, it would take several years, and by then, sending 2 HD movies over the Internet would probably not seem like a big deal.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

3rd November (2008): “As long as honest nodes control the most CPU power on the network, they can generate the longest chain and outpace any attackers.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

3rd November (2012): The price of Bitcoin was $11

3rd November (2018): Craig wrote an email to Roger that started “If you want war…”

To: Roger Ver. Title: ABC.
If you want a war…
I will do 2 years of no trade. Nothing.
In the war, no coin can trade.
If you want ABC, you want shitcoins, welcome to bankrupty.
It was nice knowing you.
Bitcoin will die before ABC shits on it. I will see BCH trade at 0 for a few years. Will you?
Side with ABC, you hate bitcoin, you are my enemy. You have fucking no idea what that means.
You will.
I AM Satoshi. Have a nice life. You will now discover me when pissed off.
and, no. You Could have had proof. Your choice.
Fuck you

4th November (2013): The price of Bitcoin was $225
Source — Twitter: @btchistorical

4th November: (2011) a BitcoinTalks forum user named pirateat40 announced the creation of a Bitcoin investment fund called Bitcoin Savings & Trust (BS&T), promising to the investors a return on investment of 7% per week. The fund encountered a fast and great success collecting 700,467 BTC and ran. https://twitter.com/Cry6toKnight/status/1135748928777986048?s=20
18.Aug.2012: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/business/bitcoin-savings-trust-genuine-or-joke-1345305053
27.Sep.2012: https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/bitcoin-savings-trust-sec-investigation-pirate-ponzi-388782
6.Nov.2014: https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2014/11/06/bitcoin-ponzi-schemer-charged-with-criminal-securities-fraud/

4th November (2019): The Missing Cryptoqueen.
Episode 8: The technology and the dream

4th November (2023): COPA release documents claiming “forgery” that Craig Wright altered a document from 17th September 2005, that was release again on 28th October 2005, that “contains language similar to that found in the Bitcoin White Paper.”

5th November (2014): The price of Bitcoin was $337

5th November (2014): 33 legal entities and individuals announced founding of the Estonian Cryptocurrency Association with main goals to develop the field of cryptocurrencies in Estonia. https://www.baltic-course.com/eng/good_for_business/?doc=98623

6th November (2008): “You will not find a solution to political problems in cryptography.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

6th November (2014): The price of Bitcoin was $348

6th November (2013): Bitcoin Wizard refers to an ad for the /r/Bitcoin subreddit that features a Microsoft Paint illustration of a wizard. Some have credited the ad with raising Bitcoins value.
The ticker $WZRD commemorates this.
A few months later, the picture was posted again in the /r/ad subreddit and people think it pumped the Bitcoin price ($416 → $1132 from Nov 6th-29th 2013)
Bitcoin Wizard — mavensbot. x.com: @mavensbot


6th November (2023): Coinbase announced they would be confiscating their clients Bitcoin (BSV) holdings if they did not withdraw them on or before 9th January 2024, 12pm ET.

7th November (2008): Hal Finney email to Satoshi Nakamoto

7th November (2016): The price of Bitcoin was $704

7th November (2022): U.S. Attorney Announces Historic $3.36 Billion Cryptocurrency Seizure And Conviction In Connection With Silk Road Dark Web Fraud.


8th November (2021): On this day, BTC hit a record all time high at USD $67,571.88. Source: https://coincap.io/assets/bitcoin

8th November 2021: The highest price Bitcoin ever reached (Bitcoin all-time high) until today was $67,567 on November 8th, 2021. https://99bitcoins.com/bitcoin/historical-price/


8th November (2022): FTX collapsed triggering the biggest one-day wealth collapse on record. https://www.businessinsider.com/sam-bankman-fried-net-worth-drop-biggest-one-day-collapse-2022-11?r=US&IR=T

9th November: (2008): Craig Wright, under the pseudonym ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’, wrote: “It is strictly necessary that the longest chain is always considered the valid one.”

10th November (2008): “The target time between blocks will probably be 10 minutes.”

11th November (1918): Remember Bitcoin stops war.
The entire point of WW1 was to achieve the Balfour Declaration on 2nd November 1917. WW1 was instigated by first ridding the opponents to the creation of a central Bank, which was achieved by the “Titanic Fraud” (15th April 1912), then creating the Federal Reserve (1913) & instigating WW1 in 1914.

11th November (2021): This day 2 years ago 11th November 2021 BTC hit its record ATH at $69,146.50

12th November (2021): World’s Largest Theater Chain, AMC Integrated Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin And Bitcoin cash As Payment Method


13th November (2008): First references to “bitgold” & the “Byzantine Generals’ Problem” we discussed in emails between Satoshi Nakamoto, James A.Donald & Hal Finney.

13th November (2008): “The proof-of-work chain is a solution to the Byzantine Generals’ Problem. I’ll try to rephrase it in that context.” — Satoshi

13th November (2010): “I’m happy if someone with artistic skill wants to contribute alternatives. The icon/logo was meant to be good as an icon at the 16x16 and 20x20 pixel sizes. I think it’s the best program icon, but there’s room for improvement at larger sizes for a graphic for use on websites. It’ll be a lot simpler if authors could make their graphics public domain.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

14th November (2008): “I’m better with code than with words though.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

15th November (2008): Ray ‘Bear’ Dillinger, first communicates with Satoshi Nakamoto via email expressing his personal comprehension of the Bitcoin White Paper.

15th November (2013): “Bitcoin could change the world. It could become a new phenomenon.” Peter Thiel

15th November (2018): The BCH Hashwar started between Roger Ver & Dr Craig Wright. BCH admitted… “We f*cked up.” —Andreas Brekken.


15th November (2020): Happy Bitcoin Independence Day!

16th November (2008): “TCP connections suffer frequent unreasonably long delays, and connections simply fail a lot — your favorite web cartoon somehow shows it is loading forever, and you try again, or it comes up with a little x in place of a picture, and you try again… ftp downloads of huge files, seldom complete…Skype video calls, also suffer frequent picture freezes… very attractive to the libertarian if we can design a mechanism that will scale to the point of providing the benefits of rapidly irreversible payment, immune to political interference, over the internet, to very large numbers of people. You have an outline and proposal for such a design.”

17th November (2008): “If we provide them with such a throat, it will be cut.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

“There will be transaction fees, so nodes will have an incentive to receive and include all the transactions they can. Nodes will eventually be compensated by transaction fees alone when the total coins created hits the pre-determined ceiling.” — SN

17th November (2022): FTX Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

18th November (2008): “Actually no. It is however supposed to be pseudonymous,”

19th November (1967): On this day in 1967, Harold Wilson went on television to reassure viewers that the “pound in the pocket” would be unaffected by the devaluation of sterling.

19th November (2023): Who is the real Satoshi Nakamoto? Scientist fights to prove he’s bitcoin creator. Craig Wright is taking on Twitter’s founder and other tech giants at the High Court. The prize is becoming one of the world’s richest men. https://archive.ph/ecscu


20th November (2013): Bloomberg wrote an article title “Bitcoin is still doomed.”:


20th November (2013): After an eight-year dormancy, a Bitcoin (BTC) Whale unexpectedly moved $30 million worth of BTC: https://www.newsbtc.com/news/bitcoin/bitcoin-whale-breaks-8-year-long-silence-with-30-million-worth-of-btc-transfer/

20th November (2014): Bitcoin was debated in the UK House of Commons lead by Steve Baker, Conservative MP for Wycombe:


21st November (2013): Alleged Silk Road Owner Denied Bail; Prosecutors Say He Ordered 6 Murders

21st November (2019): A story on the creation on Bitcoin appears on the European Commission Newsroom site…

21st November (2023): Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao ‘CZ’ Steps Down As Part Of $4.3 Billion Settlement With DOJ https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidjeans/2023/11/21/binance-ceo-cz-in-discussions-to-step-down-as-criminal-investigation-ends/ https://www.wsj.com/finance/currencies/binance-ceo-changpeng-zhao-step-down-plead-guilty-01f72a40

21st November (2023): CZ Binance released on a $175,000,000 bond. One of the largest bail amounts in history…

21st November (2023): Binance and Its CEO, Changpeng Zhao, Agree to Pay $2.85 Billion for Willfully Evading U.S. Law, Illegally Operating a Digital Asset Derivatives Exchange, and Other Violations.
Binance and Zhao also Resolve Charges with DOJ, FinCEN, and OFAC that, in Total with the CFTC, Require Over $4.3 Billion Payment in Monetary Penalties.

22nd November (1963): Assassination of JFK

22nd November (2009): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5
Satoshi wrote: Welcome to the new Bitcoin forum!
The old forum can still be reached here: http://bitcoin.sourceforge.net/boards/index.php
I’ll repost some selected threads here and add updated answers to questions where I can.

22nd November (2022): CoffeeZilla exposes the audit firm FTX used was called Prager Metis & had its registered office address in Decentraland, The Metaverse!!!


23rd November (2022): A crypto wallet attributed to the failed BTC-e linked to the 2014 Mt. Gox hack moved 10,000 Bitcoin, now worth over $165 million, to a group of personal wallets, exchanges, and other services. https://cryptogeek.live/10000-btc-tied-to-mt-gox-hack-moved-after-7-years/

23rd November (2023): A Bitcoin user paid 83.7 Bitcoin worth $3.1 million, in transaction fees for transferring 139.42 BTC. The transaction fee of $3.1 million is the eight-highest in Bitcoin’s 14-year history. https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-user-pays-3-1m-in-transition-fee-for-one-139-btc-transfer

24th November (2017): The first What Bitcoin Did Podcast by Peter McCormack was released. Episode 001 with Luke Martin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK5gU64XS5E

25th November (2014): On this day seven years ago, November 25th 2014, @EGravengaard & @thegilty & an assist from the kids became the 4th #bitcoin #atm operator in the world with the installation of the 1st ATM in Athena’s ever growing fleet. https://x.com/AthenaBitcoin/status/1463952337433673737?s=20

25th November (2018): Fenech, who has been charged in connection to the purchase, had allegedly tried to acquire weapons and ammunition through the dark web using bitcoin on 25th November 2018 and the weeks leading up to the date. https://lovinmalta.com/news/police-stopped-yorgen-fenechs-firearms-and-explosives-purchase-in-controlled-operation/

26th November (2018): One of the top performing cryptocurrencies of the day is SIRIN LABS Token https://cryptoblockwire.com/top-running-cryptocurrencies-november-26th-2018-sirin-labs-token-srn/

27th November (2014): Dash forked from Bitcoin Core on November 27th, 2014. The codebase shares a common history until that day (commits from vertoe can be seen below). They’ve continued to merge updates as Core has added them. Bitcoin Core devs “contribute code” to Dash. https://github.com/dashpay/dash/commits/master?before=0a93b0de885c79cd546456e3d5daf32da9ac1fee+7336

27th November (2017): Roger Ver famously rage quit an interview over “Bcash” Gate


27th November (2020): Why Bitcoin Matters & Why You Should Care | Economical, Ethical And Technological Perspective, film produced by
Till Musshoff was released on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ai5z2T4WhWg

28th November (2012): First Bitcoin halving “Scarcity make number go up.”


28th November (2012): Halving Day.
Value: $12.25 Bitcoin value
10 days later: $13.43 In line with the original design for Bitcoin’s maturation, the number of coins created to reward miners undergoes its first reduction, beginning the long and gradual process of tapering the amount of new currency entering the economy. These “Halving Days” are scheduled to occur every four years, stepping down the number of new bitcoins generated until the reward reaches 0 in the year 2140, to yield a fixed money supply of 20,999,999.9769 BTC. This pre-programmed limit to inflation is a major driver of the currency’s economic controversy, value appreciation and speculation. https://99bitcoins.com/bitcoin/historical-price/

28th November (2012): “Here is a pic from that day. We are all smiles secretly we weren’t sure if this first halving would work.” — Charlie Shrem

28th November (2017): BTC reached $10,000 (USD) for the first time.

28th November (2019): Operation BSV Shakeout - “Target SirToshi”

Operation BSV Shakeout

28th November (2017): Crypto Kitties Game Launch, after 5 day beta testing.

29th November (2013): Exchange Rate Peaks at $1,242 on Mt.Gox
Bitcoin value: $1132.26
Bitcoin value 10 days later: $921.97
Rapidly growing Bitcoin investment from China steadily drives prices higher and higher, reaching a peak on November 29th. Subject to strict controls concerning the movement of money across the country’s borders, Chinese citizens embrace the freedom provided by Bitcoin with open arms, seeking an alternative to the state’s inflating official currency, the Renminbi. The origin of mainstream Chinese interest in Bitcoin is largely credited to Jet Li’s One Foundation, which publicized a Bitcoin address for donations in the wake of the April 20th, 2013 Lushan earthquake and received over 230 BTC in just two days, covered widely in the national media. https://99bitcoins.com/bitcoin/historical-price/

29th November (2013): The bubble popped again and it dropped to $100 in June 2013 then started skyrocketing again and on November 29th 2013 it hit $1,242 after January of 2014 it stayed steady under the $1000’s wasn’t till March 2017 that it broke the 2013 high of $1,242. https://x.com/ElevatedNinja/status/1001186499965186049?s=20

29th November (2022): CSW on false prophets…

29th November (2024): The “Tufty Gate” Petition was started

30th November (2013): On this day the first viral image of someone in a crowd holding up a Bitcoin sign was taken. The image later developed a hash tag of #OriginalBitcoinSignGuy. The sign read: “Hi Mom Send ₿” with a QR code displayed.

2013.11.30 #OriginalBitconSignGuy

30th November (2013): Marks the date of Bitcoin’s 2nd ever significant price shake out. Bitcoin broke $1k for the first time on 28th November 2013 & on the 30th November 2013 it peaks at $1,206 (up almost 100x from $12.60 on 30th November 2012), to then drop significantly to a low of around $700. The price retested the top on 4th December 2013, but then fell under a bear market for almost 2 years. https://coincap.io/assets/bitcoin

30th November (2018): The Metanet is the creation of nChain Chief Scientist Dr. Craig S. Wright, who announced the project during his November 30 speech at the CoinGeek Week conference held in London.

1st December (2021): Square Crypto changes its name to Spiral BTC — The Cryptonomist https://cryptonews.net/news/other/2822723/

1st December (2022): I want to have (at) Satoshi back with the rightful steward.

2nd December (2017): Bitcoin bubble? The warnings from history

2nd December (2019): Hex Crypto launched by Richard Heart.

3rd December (2013): Bitcoin price peak of $1,163 marking the 2nd significant Bitcoin price shake out. https://bitcoinmagazine.com/guides/bitcoin-price-history

3rd December (2020): “Forget bitcoin. These cryptocurrencies are surging even more.” https://edition.cnn.com/2020/12/03/investing/bitcoin-ethereum-xrp-cryptocurrencies/index.html

4th December (2010): Hal Finney predicted Ordinals back in 2010…

4th December (2013): Kentucky police chief to be paid in Bitcoin

4th December (2020): Peter McCormack, in a reply to Tone Vays, posted out on Twitter, now X.com: “Craig Wright submitted a crazy amount of evidence that he is Satoshi in my law suit. What’s your point?”


4th December (2021): Bitcoin Drops $9K in an Hour on Spot Market Selling; El Salvador Again Buys the Dip.


5th December (2012): Giancario Devasini, Bitfinex/Tether CFO, wrote: “Illiquid markets, such as Bitcoin are easy prey to manipulation.”
“What we should need and hope for is a slow movement up, of about say 1–2% each week…”

5th December (2013): China bans banks from handling Bitcoin trade as price peaks at $1,042. Bitcoin was trading at $376 a year later.


5th December (2019): Samson Mow — “You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about.” Meme

5th December (2024): BTC broke $100,000.00 per coin.

6th December (2013): Doge coin first released. https://foundation.dogecoin.com/about/

6th December (2021): A Florida jury found that Dr Craig Wright did not owe half of 1.1 million bitcoins to the family of David Kleiman, in a court case that saw Ira Kleiman, as the personal representative of the Estate of Dave Kleiman, the Plaintiff, v. Craig Wright, the Defendant.

6th December (2024): Teranode mined its first block on a public network. Block no. 1650237

7th December (1941): Attack on Pearl Harbor, orchestrated by U.S Corporate interests with the intention to bring the U.S.A into WW2. This required the help of Japanese powerful interests who betrayed their own people & country.

7th December (2017): “Bitcoin breaks through the $16,000 mark.” — BBC

7th December (2021): That moment in Bitcoin history, 6th December 2021, when news broke that Dr Craig S. Wright (a.k.a. Satoshi Nakamoto) won the Ira Kleiman case, and along with it, sole custody of the “Satoshi coins.” 😂

8th December (2015): Wired Magazine publishes an article titled: ‘Is Bitcoin’s Creator this Unknown Australian Genius?’ https://www.wired.com/2015/12/bitcoins-creator-satoshi-nakamoto-is-probably-this-unknown-australian-genius/

9th December (2015): Gizmodo Magazine publishes an article that evidences Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin, titled: ‘Here’s All the Evidence That Craig Wright Invented Bitcoin’. https://gizmodo.com/heres-all-the-evidence-that-craig-wright-invented-bitco-1747059371

9th December (2015): Australian Police raid the home of Craig Wright in relation to being the man behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator & inventor of Bitcoin.

9th December (2018): According to Jennifer Robertson, Gerald Cotten’s widow, he died on 9 December 2018 while travelling in India.

10th December (2008): Welcome to the Bitcoin mailing list!

10th December (2009): Questions about Bitcoin…
1. Is Bitcoin really anonymous? I mean totally and completely? Is my ISP able to detect, that I have sent or received a Bitcoin payment? Maybe he is even able to see that I am running Bitcoin right now?

2. If I understood this correctly, my payment partners are not able to see who I am. Does this mean, they can not see my real IP address? Only the Bitcoin-address? Even if they monitors their network connections and stuff?

3. If there is a way for my ISP to tell that I am running Bitcoin or for my payment partners to find out my IP, would it be more safe to tunnel the network traffic through a VPN (payed with Paysafecard for example)? Could this be dangerous, because the VPN provider will be able to capture my payment?

Ans: “For that level of anonymity you need to connect through TOR, which will be possible with version 0.2, which is only a few weeks away. I’ll post TOR instructions at that time.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

10th December (2009): “Those coins can never be recovered, and the total circulation is less. Since the effective circulation is reduced, all the remaining coins are worth slightly more. It’s the opposite of when a government prints money and the value of existing money goes down.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

10th December (2015): Why is there such a big problem with Satoshi?

10th December (2019): This Alleged Bitcoin Scam Looked a Lot Like a Pyramid Scheme. Five men face federal charges of bilking investors of $722 million by inviting them to buy shares in bitcoin mining pools.

11th December (2009): “That’s true, with the send-to-IP option, you are sending to whoever answers that IP. Sending to a bitcoin address doesn’t have that problem.
The plan is to implement an IP + bitcoin address option that would have the benefits of both. It would still use a different address for each transaction, but the receiver would sign the one-time-use address with the given bitcoin address to prove it belongs to the intended receiver.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

11th December (2010): “It would have been nice to get this attention in any other context. WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet’s nest, and the swarm is headed towards us.” BitcoinTalk Re: PC World Article on Bitcoin 23:39:16 UTCOriginal PostView in Thread

11th December (2020): PMAC wrote a Tweet regarding his Bank closing his accounts: “Can’t say as I lied about what the funds are for.”

12th December (2010): Satoshi Nakamoto sent a final message to the Bitcoin Community… “There’s more work to do on DoS, but I’m doing a quick build of what I have so far in case it’s needed, before venturing into more complex ideas. The build for this is version 0.3.19,”

12th December (2014): Silk Road Judge: I Won’t Reveal Witnesses Because Ulbricht Could Have Them Killed
Despite being locked in jail without an Internet connection, a judge blinds his defense until the last minute to protect witnesses from him.

12th December (2015): “kiss my fluffy ASS, you sad little BITCH.”

12th December (2017): XRP price started to lift off…

https://coincap.io/assets/xrp https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/xrp/

12th December (2017): XRP jumped from $0.24 to $0.36 & rocketed to an all time high of $3.36 on 8th January 2018.

13th December (2010): The last time Satoshi Nakamoto was active on http://bitcointalk.org was 13th of December, 2010.

13th December (2017): XRP jumped from $0.36 to $0.46

14th December (1947): The CIA’s very first mission was to rig the Italian election using suitcases full of cash funnelled through Mafia contacts to Italian politicians.

14th December (2017): XRP jumped from $0.46 to $0.85

14th December (2021): Bitcoin could become ‘worthless’, Bank of England warns https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/dec/14/bitcoin-could-become-worthless-bank-of-england-warns

15th December (2017): XRP went from $0.85 to $0.75

15th December (2020): Plea to CSW to change his mind…


15th December (2023): Binance Will Cease Support for Its BUSD Stablecoin on Dec. 15

16th December (2009): Bitcoin version 0.2 is here!

16th December (2017): XRP went from $0.75 to $0.75

17th December (2009): Bitcoin 0.2 is here! Linux

17th December (2017): BTC reached the peak of it’s first globally significant bull run at $19,927. After this date BCH was listed on Coinbase on 19th December 2017, crashing it price two days later. The crypto market experienced it’s first “Altcoin season”.

17th December (2017): XRP went from $0.75 to $0.72

18th December (2009): Re: A few suggestions

18th December (2013): On this day in 2013, the term HODL was born thanks to a drunk bitcointalk forum user… “I AM HODLING.”


18th December (2017): XRP went from $0.72 to $0.77

19th December (2017): Coinbase listed Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

19th December (2017): Wanchain (WAN) launched the Beta Platform.

20th December (2017): XRP went from $0.76 to $1.26

20th December (2020): Elon Musk posted out a Bitcoin meme…
How the Bitcoin meteoric rise began on December 20th, 2020 that sent BTC from $22.7K to $55.1K or 132% in just 3 months.


20th December (2020): Michael Saylor Tweeted out to Elon Musk: “If you want to do your shareholders a $100 billion favor, convert the $TSLA balalnce sheet from USD to BTC. Other firms on the S7P 500 would follow your lead & in time it would grow to become a $1 trillion favor.”


20th December (2020): In response to Elon Musk asking how such a large transaction/exchange from USD into BTC would be possible Michael Saylor responded by saying he would be happy to share his playbook…


20th December (2024): TAAL, the principal transaction processor on BSV blockchain, the enterprise blockchain, has processed the first block ever on mainnet using the new Teranode software.


21st December (2017): On this day amid Bitcoin fever, it was reported that a trader had gambled $1 million on the price of the cryptocurrency surpassing $50,000 within 2018. Since then, the price has instead fallen from $16,000 to beneath $4000.

21st December (2017): The price of BTC started to nose dive as Bitcoin Cash (BCH) rocked the BTC status quo and the price of altcoins started to dramatically rise. On this day BTC fell from $17,470 to $13,694

22nd December (2007): ‘Next year Dave, we come out with something big. I will tell you, but not now,’ CSW wrote to David Kleiman

22nd December (2017): “Get out of Bitcoin now.”


22nd December (2017): “Bitcoin and almost every other cryptocurrency crashed hard today.”

23rd December (1913): Federal Reserve Act Signed into Law
Watch the documentary Silverfish to follow the historic time line of events that followed the Federal Reserve Act: https://rumble.com/vyx6h3-silverfish-movie.html

23rd December (2017): XRP surpassed $1 for the first time and continued to rise a further 10% within 24hrs. BTC continued to tumble as turmoil entered & confidence left the market. The market consisted of pure speculation.

24th December (2008): Craig Wright, under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, waited patiently ready to start the Bitcoin network on 3rd January 2009. Counting down the days from 24th December, there were 10 days to go.

24th December (2017): Bitcoin had fallen from its previous all time high of $19,635 on 16th December to $13,813. XRP had risen from $0.20 on 12th December 2017 to a new ATH of $1.11.

25th December: Christmas Day truce…


26th December (2023): Grayscale execs Barry Silbert & Mark Murphy quit the board of directors. New executives have been reappointed effective 1st January 2024.

26th December (2023): JUST IN: MicroStrategy Buys 14,620 Bitcoins for $615.7 Million🚀.

MicroStrategy has executed a noteworthy acquisition, further substantiating its commitment to the Bitcoin Market. The company recently procured an additional 14,620 BTC at an approximate cost of $615.7 million, at an average purchase price of $42,110 per Bitcoin👀.

As of December 26, 2023, MicroStrategy’s cryptocurrency holdings have reached a substantial 189,150 BTC, amassed at an aggregate expenditure of roughly $5.9 billion, with an average acquisition cost of $31,168 per Bitcoin. This substantial investment not only solidifies MicroStrategy’s status as a prominent corporate custodian of Bitcoin but also underscores its enduring faith in Bitcoin’s long-term potential💰.???

27 December (2008): Wright wrote to Kleiman: ‘My wife will not be happy, but I am not going back to work. I need time to get my idea going …

27th December (2014): Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas M. Antonopoulos was first published. Despite being fundamentally incorrect, Andreas Antonopoulos also back tracked on his own ideas about what Bitcoin could be used for…

27th December (2023): A Korean news paper published an article titled “Satoshi controversy ignited again, trial of the century”.
The BSV price rallied from $47 to a high of $75.

28th December (2023): BSV hit $95 & Calvin Ayre posted that he “now see’s 1000” in Jan 2024.

29th December (2011): Ebay filed U.S patent number US20130173416A1 for “System and method for managing transactions in a digital marketplace.”

29th December (2022): Bitfinex ceased trading of BSV.

30th December (2009): “We had our first automatic adjustment of the proof-of-work difficulty on 30 Dec 2009.”

30th December (2010): Hal Finney (who many think created Bitcoin) promotes the use of Banks & their fraudulent fractional reserve system instead of Bitcoin, saying Bitcoin “cannot scale” since he persuaded Satoshi Nakamoto/Craig Wright to install a soft 1mb block cap to prevent Bitcoin from actually scaling.

30th December (2017): XRP surpassed BTC for a while but in total market cap, not circulating.


31st December (2020): On 18th June 2017 John McAfee Tweeted “I will eat my dick on national television” (if Bitcoin did not reach $500,000 within 3yrs). He later revised it on the 29th November 2017, by Tweeting “I now predict Bitcoin at $1 million by the end of 2020. I will still eat my dick if wrong.”

https://x.com/officialmcafee/status/887024683379544065?s=20 https://x.com/officialmcafee/status/935900326007328768?s=20

John McAfee Calls His Own $1M Bitcoin Price Prediction ‘Nonsense’.

‘Worthless Coin’ — McAfee Says He Never Believed Bitcoin Would Hit $1M

John McAfee’s famous statement regarding eating his manhood was referred to as “The Dickening” & led to the creation of a website: https://dickening.com/

1st January (1863): Emancipation Proclamation

1st January (1973): Britain join the European Economic Community (EEC) under conditions laid out in document Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO): FCO 30/1048. This document, drafted in 1971 (same year as the ‘Nixon Shock’), outlined how sovereignty would be surrendered, the British Monarch deposed, High Treason committed & the world put on a fast track to a totalitarian, one world government & New World Order.
Bitcoin (BSV) is the only thing that can prevent this.

1st January (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=17.0

1st January: the Bitcoin Price on January 1st of each year…
2023 — $16,551
2022 — $47,743
2021 — $29,392
2020 — $7,188
2019 — $3,869
2018 — $13,412
2017 — $998.00
2016 — $434.00
2015 — $314.00
2014 — $770.00
2013 — $13.00
2012 — $5.27
2011 — $0.30
2010 — $0.09

2nd January (2015): Japanese police suspect Mt Gox Bitcoin robbery was mainly an inside job

2nd January (2017): Bitcoin tops $1,000 for first time in three years as 2017 trading begins https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/jan/02/bitcoin-tops-1000-for-first-time-in-three-years-as-2017-trading-begins

3rd January (2009): The Bitcoin network was started in this shed on 3rd January 2009, 51 Cowangarra Road, Bagnoo, NSW, Australia.
Google Maps location coordinates: -31.506098957929705, 152.52071911950705

Embedded in the Coinbase data of the Bitcoin Genesis block was a text message from the Times News Paper on 3rd January 2009 “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”.

On the 3rd January 2009 the amount of 21,000,000 Bitcoin were coded into its protocol.

4th January (2015): Bitstamp Hacked. Unknown hackers were able to steal 18,866 bitcoins from Bitstamp’s operational hot wallet, worth roughly $5.2 million dollars. The attackers used social engineering against Bitstamp system administrator Luka Kodric to gain access to 2 of Bitstamp’s servers and subsequently the hot wallet’s private keys. The wallet was completely drained of all bitcoins shortly thereafter. Upon discovery of the breach, Bitstamp immediately shutdown the exchange’s operations for 8 days as it audited its systems and rebuilt its trading platform. The theft represented “a small fraction of Bitstamp’s total bitcoin reserves” as the majority of the company’s Bitcoin funds remained untouched in offline “cold” storage. No customer account balances were affected. However, according to a leaked internal Bitstamp report on the incident, the damage to the company’s reputation and customer confidence far exceeded its monetary Bitcoin loss. Sources: http://www.coindesk.com/bitstamp-claims-roughly-19000-btc-lost-hot-wallet-hack/ http://www.coindesk.com/unconfirmed-report-5-million-bitstamp-bitcoin-exchange/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3bpdb4/bitstamp_incident_report_22015/

4th January (2018): XRP hit its all time record high price of $3.92


5th January (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=17.msg84#msg84

5th January (2015): Bitstamp Suspended — Hot Wallet Hacked? — Bitcoin $275
Bitstamp hacked for $5million in Bitcoin: https://mrhacker.co/cyber-crime/bitstamp-hacked-for-5-million-in-bitcoin

5th January (2015): Major Bitcoin exchange Bitstamp taken offline to investigate possible security breach

5th January (2024): 26.91707039 BTC was sent to wallet address ‘1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa’ that was created on 3rd January 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto.
https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/transaction/d7db4f96a4059c8906b953677ce533493d7b9da0f854a21b99f5772910dd0a31 https://blockchair.com/storage/pdf/bitcoin/address/1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa_en_usd_2009-01-03_2024-01-11_2.pdf

6th January (2017): The movie titled “Banking on Bitcoin”, was released.


6th January (2024): Someone sent $1.2 million of bitcoin to the Genesis wallet mined by Satoshi Nakamoto

25 BSV sent to Genesis wallet

Messaged to Satoshi from Financial engineers

6th January (2024): Fingers get pointed at Jeffery Epstein for corrupting BTC creating the largest financial bubble in history.

…but Pieter Wuille finished his work on SegWit in 2015.

7th January (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=17.msg86#msg86

7th January (2018): The first globally significant bear market started and the entire crypto market across the board started to fall in price reaching a total mkt cap low on 17th December 2018 of $110 Bn, down from a high of $721 Bn.

8th January (2009): Satoshi responded again, on the Cryptography Mailing List, after having be absent from 17th November 2008. He said there would be 21,000,000 coins & that Coinbase data can be spent after 120 blocks.


8th January (2018): Dr Craig Steven Wright gave this description of Bitcoin capable scaling.

9th January (1988): The Economist Magazine featured a Phoenix atop of burning curreny was titled “Get Ready For A World Currency.”


9th January (2009): At 2.54am UTC, Block 1 was produced that contained the 1st ever “spendable” Bitcoin. The Bitcoin Genesis block was created on 3rd January 2009 & contained 50 Bitcoin, but those Bitcoin are un-spendable as they are the anchor of the network.

9th January (2009): At 3.54am UTC, Block 9 was produced. This block would later become famous because it was the coinbase data/Bitcoin in this block that Craig Wright, under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, would later send to Hal Finney on 12th January 2009 in the worlds first ever Bitcoin transaction recorded in block 181.

9th January (2009): The Initial release of the Bitcoin software called Bitcoin Core 0.1.0 was released by Satoshi Nakamoto & downloaded by Hal Finney. https://en.wikipedia.org//wiki/Bitcoin#Software_implementation

9th January (2009): Dr Craig Wright creates the first Bitcoin logo depicting a gold coin with the letters BC inscribed on it. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bitcoin_old.png

9th January (2011): The domain name www.coingeek.com was created.

9th January (2015): Why the Silk Road Trial Matters
Gist: Our preview of the trial and its significance for security, law, and libertarianism online.

9th January (2024): “BSV Deprecation. Effective January 9, 2024, Coinbase will no longer support Bitcoin SV (BSV). Customers have until this date (at or around 12PM ET) to send BSV funds off of Coinbase.”

10th January (2009): Dr Craig S Wright posted on his Facebook profile that “The Beta of Bitcoin is live tomorrow…”

The first ever social media post about Bitcoin.

10th January (2009): Bitcoin was down for 8 hrs & 34 mins between block 27 & 28. Craig stated that his Bagnoo network rebooted & only he was mining. He had to drive from Lisarow to Bagnoo. He was mining from the ranch before Jan 10th, 2009.
Block 27: 2009–01–10. 06:56:13 (UTC) / 17:56:13 (AEDT) / 23:56:13, 9th (PST)
Block 28: 2009–01–10, 15:30:57 (UTC) / 02:30:57, 11th (AEDT) / 08:30:57 (PST)

https://whatsonchain.com/block-height/27 https://whatsonchain.com/block-height/28

10th January (2014) — Digibyte crypto currency launched.

10th January (2023): Faketoshi Series (Hal Finney): The men who are not Satoshi — Part 3 by Kurt Wuckert Jr

11th January (2009) — At 3:33am UTC / 10th January 7:33pm PDT, Hal Finney Tweeted out “Running bitcoin”.

https://x.com/halfin/status/1110302988?s=20 https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fiqul7x9tog921.png

11th January (2009): “…imagine that Bitcoin is successful and becomes the dominant payment system in use throughout the world. Then the total value of the currency should be equal to the total value of all the wealth in the world. Current estimates of total worldwide household wealth that I have found range from $100 trillion to $300 trillion. With 20 million coins, that gives each coin a value of about $10 million.” Hal Finney

11th January (2024): The SEC approves BTC ETF

12th January (2009): Hal Finney receives the first ever Bitcoin transaction of ₿ 10 Bitcoin’s from Dr Craig Wright at block height 181. For the purpose of the ledger, ₿ 40 Bitcoin were sent, ₿ 10 Bitcoin were kept, & ₿ 30 returned, showing a balance of ₿ 10 Bitcoin received by Hal. https://whatsonchain.com/tx/a16f3ce4dd5deb92d98ef5cf8afeaf0775ebca408f708b2146c4fb42b41e14be

12th January (2018): Ponzi Coin (PONZI) reached its All-time high mkt price of $0.3331

12th January (2021): Programmer has two guesses left to access £175m bitcoin wallet.

12th January (2023): Bitcoin was not created on Linux. It was built on Microsoft XP using Visual Studio. Guess who was a C++/C# and .Net developer… GIAC .NET (GNET) Analyst Number: 129 Obtained: 2008–06–02 https://twitter.com/Dr_CSWright/status/1613532790833684481

13th January (2015): Day 1 — Silk Road Defense Says Ulbricht Was Framed by the ‘Real’ Dread Pirate Roberts
In opening arguments, the defense shocks the court by admitting that Ulbricht created the Silk Road, but says he soon gave it up to its real operators, who later set him up as “the perfect fall guy.”

13th January (2015): BTC crashed below $150. Anyone who bought the dip is up 40,000% in 2024.

13th January (2016): Tulip Trading Limited received a Certificate of Good Standing.


13th January (2020): Bitcoin options on CME Group to launch

13th January (2024): AMB Crypto News

14th January (2008): Craig Wright publishes a paper to the SANS Institute for GIAC Certification titled: Electronic Contracting In An Insecure World. The paper contains information on what is now known, in relation to blockchain technology, as “Smart Contracts”. This was prior to The Bitcoin White Paper release 2008.Oct.31.
https://www.giac.org/research-papers/2088/ https://sansorg.egnyte.com/dl/cUm173NWsp

14th January (2015): Day 2 — Undercover Agent Reveals How He Helped the FBI Trap Silk Road’s Ross Ulbricht
The Department of Homeland Security agent who infiltrated the Silk Road as a buyer, seller, and finally staffer tells his story.

14th January (2016): The resolution of the Bitcoin experiment (Mike Hearn quits Bitcoin).

14th January (2020): “Tulip Tuesday”. Confirmation that the keys to the Tulip Trust were returned to Dr Craig Wright via bonded courier. https://asiatimes.com/2020/01/craig-wright-satoshi-keys-have-been-delivered/

15th January (2010): First Bitcoin exchange proposed called Bitcoinmarket.com

15th January (2012): Bitcoin first mentioned on “The Good Wife”. Bitcoin was at $3 when it first got referenced in a TV show name “The Good Wife”
It got mentioned in Episode 13 Season 3. Episode name was” Bitcoin for dummies” This Episode was aired in 2012 on Jan 15.
Little context of that episode**”Alicia defends a man who claims to represent the person who created a new online currency against the Treasury Department, while Dana tries to play Kalinda against Will to help the DA’s case against him.” -** Imdb.


15th January (2015): — Day 3: DHS Believed Mt. Gox CEO Might Have Been Silk Road’s Secret Mastermind
The defense reveals the name of its most compelling alternative suspect: bitcoin mogul Mark Karpeles.

15th January (2016): Well-known Bitcoin developer (Mike Hearn) exits the community, says the cryptocurrency experiment has failed.

16th January (2009): Dr Craig Wright, under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto wrote — “It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on. If enough people think the same way, that becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.” He also spelt Bitcoin “BitCoin” with a capital C for the first time.


16th January (2015): Mt. Gox CEO Mark Karpeles was at one time believed to be Silk Road mastermind Dread Pirate Roberts

16th January (2020): News from AMB Crypto

17th January (2009): “Spammer botnets. Is there something obvious I’ve missed?”

18th January (2015): Bitcoin News Roundup — January 18th, 2015

19th January (2017): R.I.P Bitcoin. It’s Time To Move On.

19th January (2017): Wences Casares (@wences) bet Vivek Wadhwa (@wadhwa) that Bitcoin would be over $381 on January 19th 2017. Vivek balked. BTC was $898. 2019 — $3,709


19th January (2020): Nugget’s News did a market update


19th January (2021): CoinShares Launches A $200M Bitcoin ETP On Switzerland’s SIX Exchange

20th January (2010): Satoshi thinking about TOR…
“I’ve been thinking about that for a while. I want to add the backend support for .onion addresses and connecting to them, then go from there. There aren’t many .onion addresses in use for anything because the user has to go through a number of steps to create one. Configure TOR to generate a .onion address, restart TOR, configure it with the generated address. Perhaps this is intentional to keep TOR so it can’t be integrated into file sharing programs in any sufficiently automated way.”

20th January (2015): Day 4 — Silk Road Judge ‘Eviscerates’ Defense’s Evidence That Mt. Gox CEO Was a Suspect
In a serious blow to the defense, the judge precludes Ulbricht’s attorneys from cross-examining a DHS agent further on its suspicion of Karpeles, and strikes much of his earlier testimony from the record.

21st January (2009): “Looking at ways to add more anonymity to bitcoin” — Hal Finney

21st January (2015): Day 5 — Secret Journal Allegedly Shows Ross Ulbricht Planned a Silk Road Bank
The prosecution delves for the first time into the journal and logbook found on Ross Ulbricht’s laptop at the time of his arrest, revealing his future ambitions for the Silk Road.

21st January (2023): Craig Wright wrote: “WEF World (Engles and Marx) Foundation. You will own nothing, and if youare not happy, be sent to the gulag.”


22nd January (2015): Day 6 — Ulbricht Confessed to Running Silk Road, His College Friend Testifies
One of Ulbricht’s biggest mistakes, it turns out, was admitting his creation of the Silk Road to a real-world friend, eBay programmer Richard Bates.

23rd January (2011): Ross Ulbricht registerd the website silkroad420.wordpress.com on the free Wordpress blogging platform, and four days later he is believed to have created a user account named ‘altoid’ on the shroomery.org website — a site claiming to “demystifty” magic mushrooms. altoid’s first post on the site promoted the new Silk Road website, posing as a curious potential user.

23rd January (2015): *Day 7 — Here’s the Secret Silk Road Journal From the Laptop of Ross Ulbricht
Ulbricht’s full journal and logbook, the most damning piece of evidence that would be used to convict him.

23rd January (2024): CSW wrote: I am the punishment of God in cryptocurrency. If those had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon them”.

24th January (1971): WEF launched. Same year as document FCO 30/1048 was drafted & published 1.Jul.1971, & the Nixon Shock was announce 15.Aug.1971.

24th January (2008): Bitcoin White Paper Published on Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System (PDF)

24th January (2009): Hal Finney & Jonathan Thornburg email…

24th January (2024): Dr Craig Wright issues settlement offer to COPA members and all parties in upcoming intellectual property litigation. A dead line of 31st January 2024 was set to accept the offer.

24th January (2024): COPA rejects Craig Wright’s offer

https://twitter.com/Dr_CSWright/status/1602599723147444224 https://x.com/Dr_CSWright/status/1602599723147444224?s=20

25th January (2009): Emails from Dan & Satoshi

25th January (2024): The Law Gazette reports on CSW’s offer to COPA

26th January (1909): “Cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced (in 1853). I have had to deal with 200 cases of cancer and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.” — W B Clark New York Press 26th January 1909.

26th January (2015): Coinbase Launches US Licensed Exchange. The VC backed start up Coinbase Inc., a popular Bitcoin outlet and payment processor, announced the release of its own Bitcoin trading platform. The company founders stated they had worked for months to obtain various licenses from state financial regulators, allowing them to legally accept customers from 25 different US states. The new platform will operate like a traditional exchange: customers can deposit funds, place asks and bids on an order book, and will be charged a small percentage fee on executed trades. The exchange platform is to remain separate from their Bitcoin outlet operation, which in contrast, allows customers to buy and sell Bitcoins directly from Coinbase. Sources: https://blog.coinbase.com/2015/01/26/coinbase-launches-first-regulated-bitcoin-exchange/ http://www.coindesk.com/coinbase-secures-approval-launch-regulated-us-bitcoin-exchange/

26th January (2021): Bitcoin’s days are numbered as technology develops, warns Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey

27th January (2010): “If you copy your wallet file to a second computer, then they both think the money in the wallet is theirs. If one spends any of it, the other doesn’t know those coins are already spent and would try to spend them again, and that’s the error you would hit.”

27th January (2014): Blockstream Corporation was incorporated

28th January (2014): Charlie Shrem resigns from the Bitcoin Foundation

28th January (2015): Day 8 — A Heroin Dealer Tells the Silk Road Jury What It Was Like to Sell Drugs Online
The prosecution calls in a convicted heroin dealer from the Silk Road to show the site’s massive reach and tragic consequences.

28th January (2018): Coincheck exchange promises to refund customers after $500 million cryptocurrency hack.

29th January (2010): I committed a fix for 64-bit compile and some fixes to support wxWidgets 2.9.0.

29th January (2015): Day 9 — Prosecutors Trace $13.4M in Bitcoins From the Silk Road to Ulbricht’s Laptop
In another day of damning testimony, a former FBI agent uses blockchain analysis to prove that more than 700,000 bitcoins were transferred from the Silk Road servers to Ulbricht’s personal machine.

30th January (2014): Mint personal finance app adds support for Bitcoin via Coinbase integration

31st January (2019): An affidavit filed by QuadrigaCX on January 31 reveals that there are 26,500 bitcoins ($92 million), 11,00 bitcoin cash ($1.3 million), 11,000 bitcoin cash SV ($707,000), 35,000 bitcoin gold ($352,000), 200,000 litecoin ($6.5 million) and 430,000 ether ($46 million) stored on Cotton’s encrypted and inaccessible laptop.

31st January (2024): Meta Quits COPA Coalition Ahead of Satoshi Trial Showdown.

Milestones in Bitcoin history in February:
2012: 1st halving, block reward reduced to 25BTC
2013: Market cap surpasses $1B
2014: Mt. Gox files for bankruptcy
2016: 100k daily transactions for the 1st time
2020: Price drops due to COVID
2021: Tesla buys $1.5B in Bitcoin.

1st February (1933): Hitler’s radio broadcast remastered

1st February (2018): On February the 1st, 2018 the World Crypto Network went live from Quebec Bitcoin Mining Meetup: Crypto Gold Rush! https://youtu.be/QiHiUmixqH4

1st February (2022): The 5th largest Bitcoin wallet, holding 94,643 $BTC is believed to be under the control of the U.S. Government. The seizure address is directly linked to the 2016 Bitfinex Hack. On February 1st, 2022, 1CGA4s transferred ~567.5 $BTC (valued at ~$21.88M) to the seizure address.

1st February (2023): “On February 1st 2023 the taproot wizards mined the first 4MB block and changed BTC forever.”

2nd February (2015): Day 11 — Read the Transcript of Silk Road’s Boss Ordering 5 Assassinations
The Silk Road server yields a series of disturbing messages, in which the Dread Pirate Roberts commissions a series of murders from a contact he believes works with the Hell’s Angels biker gang.

2nd February (2024): Wired Magazine reports on COPA case titled: “Craig Wright Claims He’s Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Can He Prove It in Court?” https://www.wired.com/story/craig-wright-satoshi-nakamoto-trial/#intcid=_wired-verso-hp-trending_89c5679a-d7ec-4d0e-83ab-90db2384bfee_popular4-1

3rd February (1637): Tulip Mania bubble burst

3rd February (2010): “I also put a better error message, but it should never hit it because it always finds spent coins ahead of time, unless you spent the same money at the same time on two computers at once.”

3rd February (2015): Day 12 — Silk Road Defense Makes Its Final Pitch: Don’t Trust Internet Evidence
In closing arguments, the defense pulls together the loose threads in the trial to argue that Ulbricht was framed. The prosecution tells the jury not to fall for a “desperate smokescreen.”

4th February 2009: Bitcoin v0.1.5 released
“Version 0.1.5 is now available. It includes the fix for the problem
Nicholas had, checking for disk full and changes to try to improve
things that were confusing. Special thanks to Nicholas and Dustin for all their help and feedback!”

4th February (2010): “There’s a 32-bit checksum in bitcoin addresses so you can’t accidentally type an invalid address.”

4th February (2010): Since Bitcoin can’t get through to IRC through Tor, it doesn’t know which nodes are currently online, so it has to try all the recently seen nodes.

4th February (2015): Day 13 — Silk Road Mastermind Ross Ulbricht Convicted of All 7 Charges
The jury returns its verdict: Ross Ulbricht is the Dread Pirate Roberts. He faces from 30 years to life in prison.

The Silk Road Trial: WIRED’s Gavel-to-Gavel Coverage

4th February (2020): Bitcoin return to Genesis upgrade completed.

4th February (2021): Cobra deadline for hosting the white paper.

4th February (2023): CSW wrote: “I invented the industry. So you don’t get rid of me. But, eventually I will get rid of you guys and your complete Ponzi.”


4th February (2024): The Guardian Newspaper reports on the Satoshi Trial

5th February (1637): Tulip mania came to an abrupt end.

5th February (2015): BitLicense 2.0: New York Moves Closer to Comprehensive Virtual Currency Regulation

5th February (2020): JMAC wrote - “Do NOT, under any circumstances, take the vaccine!!!”. He died the following year in the same way that many of Hilary Clintons friends have, “by suicide”, on 23rd June 2021, in a prison near Barcelona. Prior to his death he posted — “If I suicide myself, I didn’t. I was whackd.”


5th February (2020): BitMEX launches XRP/USD perpetual swap on February 5th, 2020.

5th February (2024): The COPA, (Satoshi identity) trail started in London’s High Court. Day 1

6th February (2010): “If you send by IP, the recipient sees you because you connect to their IP. You could use TOR to mask that.”

6th February (2010): “Eventually at most only 21 million coins for 6.8 billion people in the world if it really gets huge.
But don’t worry, there are another 6 decimal places that aren’t shown, for a total of 8 decimal places internally. It shows 1.00 but internally it’s 1.00000000. If there’s massive deflation in the future, the software could show more decimal places.
If it gets tiresome working with small numbers, we could change where the display shows the decimal point. Same amount of money, just different convention for where the “,”’s and “.”’s go. e.g. moving the decimal place 3 places would mean if you had 1.00000 before, now it shows it as 1,000.00. https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/posts/bitcointalk/46/

6th February (2024): COPA Day 2. London judge to weigh computer scientist’s claim that he’s the mystery creator of Bitcoin…
“”In 2021, he won a civil case in Florida… 1.1 million bitcoin, worth approx $47.5 billion today, that could only be owned by a person or entity involved with the digital currency from its beginning — such as the creator.”

6th February (2024): Craig Wright denies forging documents to support bitcoin claim

7th February (2010): “Please point me to any page you would like to have translated to Chinese for the project. Perhaps having a Chinese howto and explanation would be usefull (manual/helpfile?). Also what would you like for a gift?”

7th February (2018): “Today marks a year since BTC was above $10,000”

7th February (2024): COPA Day 3.

8th February (2010): Discussions about the Bitcoin logo…
“No, sorry. I’ve been meaning to redo it. The largest icon that still looks good is the 20x20 one which is used for the tray icon in GNOME. Any larger than that looks bad. The 16x16 and 20x20 ones have quite a bit of hand tweaking to get the pixels to work out right. If you just scale down a larger image, the pixels end up blurred and awkward in places where the lines in “BC” don’t land square on a pixel.” The best 16x16 with full alpha channel is in src/rc/bitcoin.ico. I don’t like the 32x32 version. I’m attaching bitcoin20x20.png, the 20x20 version with full transparency.

8th February (2024): COPA Day 4.

9th February (2011): Bitcoin first hit $1

9th February (2021): Pomp posted…

9th February (2024): Attorney General James Expands Lawsuit Against Cryptocurrency Company Digital Currency Group For Defrauding Investors

9th February (2024): Day 5

10th February (2023): Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Thoughts on the Crypto Ecosystem. Governor Christopher J. Waller, Federal Reserve Board.

11th February (2009): P2P Foundation created

11th February (2009): “It takes advantage of the nature of information being easy to spread but hard to stifle.” Used on Bitcoin .org UK site https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf

11th February (2009): “The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that’s required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

11th February (2009): “I am not Dorian Nakamoto,” Satoshi Nakamoto added as a reply on a February 11, 2009 post announcing Bitcoin.

12th February (2009): “Great stuff. This is the first real innovation in money since the Bank of England started to issue its promissory notes for gold in the vaults, which then became known as banknotes.” Sepp Hasslberger

12th February (2010): “There’s a small transaction fee for very large transactions. The node that generates the block that contains the transaction gets the fee. If the same money gets sent again, it won’t incur the fee again. If all you have is generated coins in your wallet, if you send them all in one huge transaction, it has to bundle hundreds of 50 bc coins together. After that it’s just one line to send the combined unit.”

12th February (2024): COPA Day 6

13th February (2010): “The download link on the homepage is to the sourceforge tar.gz archive which contains the 32-bit binary and the 0.2.0 sources, which were not yet buildable on 64-bit at the time.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

13th February (2019): CBOE Bitcoin Future Contract (XBT/G9) expired.

13th February (2024): COPA Day 7

14th February (2010): “It’s only when you’re sending a really huge transaction that the transaction fee ever comes into play, and even then it only works out to something like 0.002% of the amount. It’s not money sucked out of the system, it just goes to other nodes. If you’re sad about paying the fee, you could always turn the tables and run a node yourself and maybe someday rake in a 0.44 fee yourself.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

14th February (2010): I’m sure that in 20 years there will either be very large transaction volume or no volume.

14th February (2014): Interview by John Southurst of Kolin Burges from London who flew to Tokyo to find out, face to face, & confront Mark Kepelis to see if he could withdraw his Bitcoins from Mt Gox.


14th February (2024): COPA Day 8. Craig Wright, undergoing cross examination from COPA, admitted that the message he signed for Gavin Andresen was “Gavin’s favourite number is 11 CSW.” CSW denies being funded by Calvin Ayre.

15th February (2009): “A lot of people automatically dismiss e-currency as a lost cause because of all the companies that failed since the 1990’s. I hope it’s obvious it was only the centrally controlled nature of those systems that doomed them. I think this is the first time we’re trying a decentralized, non-trust-based system.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

15th February (2010): “Another big jump in difficulty yesterday from 1.82 times to 2.53 times, a 39% increase since 10 days ago. It was 10 days apart not 14 because more nodes joined and generated the 2016 blocks in less time.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

15th February (2016): Initial Release of BitConnect. Bitconnect allowes users to lend the value of Bitconnect Coin in return for interest payments. The marquee program was the so-called lending platform where users traded Bitcoin for Bitconnect Coin and could lock in the instantaneous value of the coin for a set period of time while earning interest calculated daily. The interest payouts were determined by a so-called “trading bot”. The trading bot was the most controversial piece of the Bitconnect.co system.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIL9wLxG01M https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitconnect

15th February (2024): COPA Day 9. Dr David Jenkins + Dr Pang + Mr. Yusef on the stand.

16th February (2010): Setting up multiple bitcoin machines behind NAT

16th February (2017): Patent filed for; Registry and automated management method for blockchain-enforced smart contracts

16th February (2021): Bitcoin breaks psychological barrier of $50,000

17th February (2010): “The protocol is designed to resync to the next message, and messages get re-requested from all the other nodes you’re connected to until received. If you miss a block, it’ll also keep requesting it every time another blocks comes in and it sees there’s a gap. Before the original release I did a test dropping 1 out of 4 random messages under heavy load until I could run it overnight without any nodes getting stuck.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

18th February (2013): “I guess you and Gregory could create a separate alt-coin that has hard block size caps and see how things play out over the long term.” — Mike Hearn

https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=144895.msg1537223#msg1537223 https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-July/009726.html “Greg Coin”

18th February (2021): Christie’s auction house said they will accept cryptocurrency (ETH) as payment for first time in the auction for Beeple’s Art auction titled: The First 5000 Days (images created daily since 1st May 2007) scheduled for 25th February — 11th March 2021. https://www.coindesk.com/business/2021/02/18/top-auction-house-christies-to-accept-ether-cryptocurrency-for-digital-art-sale/

19th February (2021): The movie “Silk Road” was released by Lionsgate, about Ross Ulbricht who was sentenced to life in prison for operating the Silk Road website. Ross is played by Nick Robinson in the movie.


19th February (2021): BTC continued to hit new ATH & surpassed a $1Tr mkt cap for the first time.

19th February (2024): Coinbase Crypto Payment Portal Drops BTC Support

19th February (2024): COPA Day 10. Stephan Matthews cross examined by COPA lawyer at the London, High Court, Satoshi Identity Trial. Mr Steven Lee also cross examined.

19th February (2024): The FCA banned Bitcoin services to all UK customers.

20th February (2010): A Reddit user with the name ‘Theymos’ claims to have sold 160 BTC for $.003, which would make it the lowest ever price recorded.

20th February (2024): COPA Day 11.

21st February (2010): “Nodes stop trying to initiate connections once they have 15. If you can accept incoming connections, then you can get well above that from nodes connecting to you, otherwise you max out at 15.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

21st February (2014): Overstock does nearly $1 million in Bitcoin sales in first month.

21st February (2022): Intel unveils 3,600-watt ASIC Bitcoin mining rig. The company’s first mining rig is capable of up to 40 terahashes per second.

21st February (2024): COPA Day 11. Martti Malmi admitted under oath, in the COPA Satoshi Identity trial, that creating a new Bitcoin forum effectively removed Satoshi Nakamoto’s access to the forum & that Satoshi Nakamoto would have needed to ask permission to access it.

21st February (2024): COPA Day 11. Adam Back cross examined…

22nd February (2021): PMAC had all four of his bank accounts closed. He later admitted to lying on a loan application form.

22nd February (2021): ETH Flash Crash On Kraken

22nd February (2024): COPA Day 12. Mike Hearn & Zooko Wilcox cross examined.

22nd February (2024): “BSV Begins Technical Testing of Teranode: A Watershed Blockchain Upgrade” — Published by Nasdaq

23rd February (1744): Mayer Amschel Rothschild born.

23rd February (2023): Gary Gensler said in an interview with New York magazine, Intelligencer…


23rd February (2024): COPA Day 13.
Teranode Test Net went public for the first time and is the first network, ever, to publicly demonstrate 1,000,000 Transactions Per Second, & for 3hrs+.


24th February (2009): Satoshi Nakamoto came up with a new Bitcoin logo, which saw the replacement of the “BC” text with “₿” embedded within the gold coin.

24th February (2022): Founders Of Cryptocurrency Exchange BitMEX Plead Guilty To Bank Secrecy Act Violations

25th February (2021): Coinbase Lists Unmasking of Bitcoin’s Creator Among Business Risks

26th February (2020): Giving testimony in the Kleiman vs Wright Trial Gavin was questioned & answered about Craig being Satoshi. Transcript on page 119: “So we left it that you had just exited the proof session on April 7th, and you 20 walked away from the meeting, beyond reasonable doubt, thinking Craig is Satoshi? Ans: Yes.”

26th February (2024): COPA Day 14. Mr Patrick Madden was cross examined in the COPA case & got absolutely crushed, torn to shreds by CSW’s lawyers. He admitted that COPA’s lawyers, Bird & Bird, wrote his opinion for him and the he signed off on it to approve that it was indeed his own, independent, expert witness testimony, that the entire case relied upon.

26th February (2024): Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, dies aged 87yrs (29th April 1936–26th February 2024), leaving a legacy of an attempted global elite & One World Government controlled by the Banking sector.

27th February (2010): “I don’t know how to do SVG, but I did the original very large, over 500 pixels across, so it can be scaled down. I’ll give the original when I’m finished.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

27th February (2024): COPA Day 15.

28th February (2024): The Bitcoin (BSV) chain surpassed 10,000 GB in size compared to BTC. “It is strictly necessary that the longest chain is always considered the valid one.” — Satoshi Nakamoto. Nov 9th, 2008.

28th February (2024): In the COPA case Day 16 / Satoshi Identity trial Prof Sarah Meiklejohn said: “It was not my intention to mislead.” In reference to casting doubt on the legitimacy of the signing session that Craig Wright did with Gavin Andresen to prove he was in possession of Satoshi’s private keys.

28th February (2024): Centi Makes World Record with Its Fast, Secure Stablecoin Tech on Public Blockchain at Finovate Europe 2024 in London.

29th February (2020): Midas Touch Consulting produced a Bitcoin analysis.

29th February (2024): COPA Day 17.

29th February (2024): Teranode produced a record breaking 215 GB Block


1st March (2019): Bitcoin tycoon crashes his £270,000 purple Lamborghini into a ditch after skidding on water and swerving to dodge a lamppost.

1st March (2024): COPA Day 18.

2nd March (2014): New York Athletics Club (NYAC) Judo awarded their winners with 3 Bitcoin.

2nd March (2016): https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2016/03/02/new-fund-aims-to-bring-bitcoin-mining-profits-to-high-net-worth-investors/

2nd March (2016): https://www.theverge.com/2016/3/2/11146584/bitcoin-core-classic-debate-transaction-limit-crisis

2nd March (2023): BITCOIN PRICE HISTORY: 2009–2023

3rd March (2017): The Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Surpasses Gold In Value For First Time

4th March (2020): The Supreme Court of India quashed the RBI ban on banks from facilitating Bitcoin & crypto transactions.

4th March (2024): Teranode produced a record breaking 335.33 GB Block


5th March (2018): “Starting March 5th, 2018, the German National Tourist Board, headquartered in Frankfurt, is accepting payment in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin for services, as a response to their interest in utilizing the blockchain technology supporting cryptocurrencies in the German and international markets.”

6th March (2014): Journalist Leah Mcgrath Goodman pointed the finger at Dorian Nakamoto as the creator of Bitcoin.

6th March (2015): Konstantin Ignatov was arrested March 6 at the Los Angeles International Airport on a wire fraud charge for his role in operating a fake cryptocurrency called OneCoin.

7th March (2014): “I am not Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto.” — Satoshi Nakamotohttps://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/posts/p2pfoundation/4/


8th March (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=74.msg675#msg675

8th March (2017): MtGox Creditor Meeting

8th March (2021): Launch of Safemoon cryptocurrency

8th March (2024): COPA Day 19. Closing written statements to be submitted to court by 4pm UTC.

9th March (2000): Ben Bernanke said in an interview…


9th March (2014): Nouriel Roubini posted “So Bitcoin isn’t a currency. It is btw a Ponzi game and a conduit for criminal/illegal activities. And it isn’t safe given hacking of it.”

9th March (2015): Navajo Coin released.

9th March (2020): Significant downward price movement of BTC.

9th March (2022): Executive Order 14067, officially titled Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, was signed on March 9, 2022, and is the 83rd executive order signed by U.S. President Joe Biden. The ultimate aim of the order is to develop digital assets in a responsible manner. The executive order addresses the potential national security implications of cryptocurrencies.

10th March (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=74.msg688#msg688

10th March (2014): Hackers break into Mt. Gox’s servers, claim the company still has customers’ bitcoins.

11th March (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=74.msg695#msg695

11th March (2014): Bitcoin Exchange Mt. Gox Files For Bankruptcy In U.S.

11th March (2019): OneCoin cryptocurrency executive arrested for ‘multibillion-dollar’ fraud.

11th March (2021): Beeple sold an NFT for $69 million “holy fuck”.

12th March (2008): Craig S Wright wrote an email to Dave Kleiman asking for help to edit a paper “on a form of electronic money. Bit cash, Bitcoin…”

12th March (2013): On March 12th, 2013, Bitcoin had a 24 block rollback to avoid an unintentional chain fork caused by a bug in the Bitcoin Core node software.

“If you are mining on bitcoin version 0.8, please stop for a few hours. We’ve got a block chain fork…” Gavin Andresen

12th March (2014): Bitcoin Cluedo — Greg Maxwell did hack Satoshi’s email address on 12th March 2014, pretended to have a conversation with “the hacker”/himself to make it look like is wasn’t him. He then mixed parts of the fake 2014 docs with the genuine 2012 docs. He has been rumbled!!!

12th March (2024): COPA Day 20. Closing oral arguments by COPA’s Bird & Bird.

Judge Mellor: “Are The Documents in the Bundle on Opus 2; Compliant with CPR Rule (Court Procedure Rule) 31.5..”
Hough: “No”!!!

13th March (2020): BTC 2020 bull run started…

13th March (2023): $4.5bn Hack — English Court of Appeal decides on duties of Crypto Developers

13th March (2024): COPA, in their closing statement, admitted that there were no allegations of forgery or fraud made about Dr Craig Wright, and that they were only putting their questions about forgery & fraud to him, not alleging them.

Lord Garbiner stated that the “expert opinion” of Patrick Madden should not be relied upon since it was found to not be independent since it was written by the opposing council & was not independent at all & he expertise were not suitable for the case.

14th March (2014): NewsWeek Magazine publishes “The Face Behind Bitcoin”

14th March (2014): Warren Buffett tells CNBC why he thinks bitcoins don’t have any intrinsic value and investors should stay away.

14th March (2024): After closing statements had been concluded, Sir Edward James Mellor passed judgement in the COPA case and said:
“I’ve reached the conclusion that the evidence is overwhelming… Dr. Craig Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin White Paper, Dr. Craig Wright is not the person who adopted or operated under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, Dr. Craig Wright is not the person who created the Bitcoin system, and, Dr. Craig Wright is not the author of the Bitcoin software.”


14th March (2024): “Judge dashes bitcoin entrepreneur’s ‘Satoshi’ claim.”

14th March (2024): “Australian computer scientist is not bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, high court rules. Judge says evidence for his conclusion that Craig Wright did not create bitcoin is ‘overwhelming’.”

14th March (2024): Jameson Lopp posted — “If you meet Satoshi on the road, kill him.”


14th March (2024): “The whole industry also needs bitcoin to stay high. As the halvening looms, the bitcoin miners are also banking on the price of this asset continuing to soar.”

15th March (1896): St. Louis post Nikola Tesla Amazing Plan to Harness Free Currents.

15th March (2015): Deep Web: The Untold Story of Bitcoin and the Silk Road (movie) release, Directed & written by Alex Winter.


16th March (2008): Bear Stearns Merchant Bank defunct.

16th March (2020): “The lockdown began on 16 March 2020, when Matt Hancock told the House of Commons that all unnecessary social contact should cease.” This was an attack on Bitcoin to close the economy & prevent the use of Bitcoin should the price of BSV take off after the keys to the Tulip Trust were returned to Craig Wright on 14th January 2020.

16th March (2024): Paolo Ardoino posted “Remember the BSV shills attacking Tether and Bitfinex all these past years? I hope they had a good week.”


17th March (2010): “On March 17, 2010, Bitcoinmarket.com went live. Like all platforms that sprung up in those early days, the exchange was rickety, and holes were often patched following feedback from Bitcointalk forum members. The site accepted Paypal initially as its means of exchanging BTC for fiat. This system worked for a while, but as Bitcoin grew, so did the number of scammers. Following a string of fraudulent trades, Paypal was removed from the exchange on June 4, 2011.”

18th March (2013): “On 18 March 2013, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (or FinCEN), a bureau of the United States Department of the Treasury, issued a report regarding centralized and decentralized “virtual currencies” and their legal status within “money services business” (MSB) and Bank Secrecy Act regulations.[63][69] It classified digital currencies and other digital payment systems such as bitcoin as “virtual currencies” because they are not legal tender under any sovereign jurisdiction. FinCEN cleared American users of bitcoin of legal obligations[69] by saying, “A user of virtual currency is not an MSB under FinCEN’s regulations and therefore is not subject to MSB registration, reporting, and recordkeeping regulations.” However, it held that American entities who generate “virtual currency” such as bitcoins are money transmitters or MSBs if they sell their generated currency for national currency: “…a person that creates units of convertible virtual currency and sells those units to another person for real currency or its equivalent is engaged in transmission to another location and is a money transmitter.” This specifically extends to “miners” of the bitcoin currency who may have to register as MSBs and abide by the legal requirements of being a money transmitter if they sell their generated bitcoins for national currency and are within the United States.[61] Since FinCEN issued this guidance, dozens of virtual currency exchangers and administrators have registered with FinCEN, and FinCEN is receiving an increasing number of suspicious activity reports (SARs) from these entities.[226]

18th March (2020): RightBTC “We are delighted to announce that RightBTC will list Bitcoin SV (BSV). Deposits and withdrawals will be available when trading opens at 08:00 (UTC) on March 18th, 2020. Bitcoin SV (BSV) Trading Pairs: — BSV/USDT — BSV/BTC”.


18th March (2024): Teranode Realises the Potential of Blockchain Technology.

19th March (2003): the war in Iraq started. American and allied forces began the war not on the ground but in the skies. What unfolded was dozens of airstrikes across Iraq targeting early warning sites and Iraqi leadership, meant to pave the way for the ground invasion that launched March 20.

19th March (2013): Hal Finney releases a post called “Bitcoin and Me”.
“When Satoshi announced the first release of the software, I grabbed it right away. I think I was the first person besides Satoshi to run bitcoin. I mined block 70-something, and I was the recipient of the first bitcoin transaction, when Satoshi sent ten coins to me as a test… After a few days, bitcoin was running pretty stably, so I left it running. Those were the days when difficulty was 1, and you could find blocks with a CPU, not even a GPU. I mined several blocks over the next days. But I turned it off because it made my computer run hot, and the fan noise bothered me. In retrospect, I wish I had kept it up longer, but on the other hand I was extraordinarily lucky to be there at the beginning… The next I heard of Bitcoin was late 2010, when I was surprised to find that it was not only still going, bitcoin actually had monetary value.” — Hal Finney


19th March (2015): Chief Ministers daughter bats for Bitcoin…

20th March (2015): Baron David Ward Affidavit 2015

20th March (2019): Forks as a demerger, or a split as a copy?

20th March (2024): Handcash brought out RAMPS http://ramps.handcash.io

21st March (2014): Mt. Gox finds 200,000 missing bitcoins in an old-format virtual wallet

21st March (2018): Bitcoin will eventually be the world’s ‘single currency’ says Twitter CEO.

21st March (2019): Privacy versus hypocrisy

22nd March (2019): Luke Dashjr posted “If people are too poor for a full node they just can’t use Bitcoin.”

22nd March (2019): Peer-to-peer digital electronic cash

23rd March (2001): Baron’s partition the Queen over Article 61 of the 1215 Magna Carta resulting from Memorandum FCO 30/1048 that was drafted on 29th April 1971 & hidden from the public for 30yrs.

23rd March (2010): Re: who is bitcoin.com

24th March (2020): Satoshi and the Byzantine Generals

24th March (2021): “You can now buy a Tesla in the US using Bitcoin.”

25th March (2013): Cyprus Bail-In. Orchestrated by Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades, the Eurogroup, the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund, €10 billion is lifted from Bank accounts in Cyprus with all balances above €100,000 being confiscated.

Read more: 100% Complete Bitcoin Price History Graph + Related Events 2009–2024 | 99Bitcoins

Read more: 100% Complete Bitcoin Price History Graph + Related Events 2009–2024 | 99Bitcoins

25th March (2014): Nakamoto’s Neighbor: My Hunt For Bitcoin’s Creator Led To A Paralyzed Crypto Genius https://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2014/03/25/satoshi-nakamotos-neighbor-the-bitcoin-ghostwriter-who-wasnt/#

26th March (2014): The IRS policy document declares Bitcoin to be property, not currency, subject to capital gains tax — with that tax calculated against every change in buying power for a given amount of bitcoin, from the time it’s acquired to the time it’s spent.

26th March (2020): The Property Flaw of Lightning

26th March (2020): Dr Craig Wright logged into the AnonymousSpeech .com website using the satoshi(at)vistomail .com credentials to access the (satoshi) profile account, showing the purchase of the domain name ‘Bitcoin .org’ and hosting services.
The AnonymousSpeech website was closed the following day & never came back on line. The Vistomail service would also later be shut down.

27th March (2011): Britcoin launches the first exchange to trade bitcoin and British Pound Sterling (GBP). Just days later, on March 31, Bitcoin Brazil opens a service for face-to-face exchange in Brazilian Reals (BRL) and U.S. Dollars.

27th March (2019): How to make a brain wallet.

27th March (2020): Dr Craig Wright logged into the AnonymousSpeech .com website on March 26th, 2020, using the satoshi(at)vistomail .com credentials to access the (satoshi) profile account, showing the purchase of the domain name ‘Bitcoin .org’ and hosting services. The AnonymousSpeech .com website went off line on March 27th, 2020, for “maintenance” & never came back online.

27th March (2023): Nvidia calls cryptocurrency useless for society, says its graphics cards are better used for AI.

28th March (2013): “Bitcoin prices surge post-Cyprus bailout.”

28th March (2019): Why the protocol is set

28th March (2023): Papers Associated with Bitcoin and Related Topics in Law: Part XV

28th March (2024): Judge James Mellor placed a World Wide Freezing Order (WFO) on Craig Wright.

29th March (2013): “On This Day in Bitcoin History: March 29th, 2013Bitcoin Breaks $100. Bitcoin exploded onto the scene when it smashed through the $100 barrier for the first time on March 29, 2013! A monumental day in crypto history that showcased the incredible potential of BTC.”

29th March (2019): Locked transactions for planning.

30th March (2021): PayPal now allows U.S. users to ‘checkout with crypto’

30th March (2022): Trust No One: The Hunt for the Crypto King


31st March (2011): March 31, Bitcoin Brazil opens a service for face-to-face exchange in Brazilian Reals (BRL) and U.S. Dollars. https://99bitcoins.com/bitcoin/historical-price/

31st March (2021): iPhone user loses $600,000 after downloading scam Bitcoin app from Apple’s store.

1st April (2013): Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) created

1st April (2017): Japan Declares Bitcoin as Legal Tender

1st April (2020): Binance Acquired CoinMarketCap for $400M

2nd April (2013): BTC breaking $100 video

2nd April (2016): CO1N LTD Registered — Dissolved 11.Nov.201

2nd April (2019): Saving research

3rd April (2018): Australia’s new legislative guidelines for the operation of cryptocurrency exchanges were introduced on the 3rd of April 2018.

3rd April (2024): Video Streaming Company Rad Announces Collaboration with Sony Electronics Inc., Bringing the Power of Blockchain to Sony’s BRAVIA®TV.

3rd April (2024): The BCH chain froze before it halving as large holders of BCH scramble to cash out.


4th April (2014): Bitcoin, the organism | Jeff Garzik | TEDx Binghamton University…

4th April (2023): Papers Associated with Bitcoin and Related Topics in Law: Part XVI

5th April (1933): Issuing of Executive Order 6102

5th April (2011): On April 5, BitMarket.eu begins facilitating trades in Euros (EUR) and other currencies. Together, they simplify bitcoin ownership and trading for hundreds of millions of new users and the market is expanded enormously. https://web.archive.org/web/20120331084706/https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5441.0

5th April (2019): “Satoshi Nakamoto is an amalgamation of 富永 仲基 (Tominaga Nakamoto) and Ash Ketchum (サトシ; Satoshi).” — Craig Wright

5th April (2024): The ‘street fighter’ and a £70k donation: how Christen Ager-Hanssen got close to the Tories.

5th April (2024): Hijacking Bitcoin. The hidden history of BTC. Officially released.

6th April (2021): The digital yuan is China’s digital currency that will replace the yuan in its physical form

6th April (2022): Faketoshi Series (Nick Szabo): The men who are not Satoshi — Part 1, by Kurt Wuckert Jr

7th April (2010): The proof session between Gavin Andresen & Craig Wright took place in London. Craig signed a message for Gavin using the private keys from from Block 1. The message was “Gavin’s favourite number is 11.”

8th April (2013): Bitcoin-mining trojan spreading through Skype spam, Kaspersky warns.

8th April (2019): New Sextortion Email Uses CIA Investigation as Scare Tactic. “The scammers then demand $10,000 in bitcoin or you will be arrested on April 8th, 2019.”

8th April (2021): Arrests over attempts to secure hitman and chemical weapon show the dark web isn’t always anonymous

8th April (2022): Bitcoin 2022: April 8th 2020 — Senator Lummis https://twitter.com/TheGlimmerman00/status/1536008575138643968

9th April (2024): No need to follow a valid chain when the only technical validation you require is the market price, according to Adam “Satoshi didn’t understand Bitcoin” Back.

10th April (2013): Originally thought to be a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack on the largest bitcoin exchange, the great influx of traders on the heels of Cyprus’s bailout announcement overwhelms Mt. Gox’s servers, causing trades to stutter and fail.

11th April (2013): Increased Trading Volume Breaks Mt. Gox

11th April (2013): The Great Crash of 2013. the Bitcoin price dropped 60% in a single day.

11th April (2018): Application granted — Registry and automated management method for blockchain-enforced smart contracts.

11th April (2019): Craig Wright posted…

11th April (2019): U.S. copyright registration no. TXu 2–136–996, effective date April 11, 2019, for the paper entitled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, with year of completion 2008. The registration recognizes the author as Craig Steven Wright, using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.

12th April (2009): “There is only one global chain. The existing Visa credit card network processes about 15 million Internet purchases per day worldwide. Bitcoin can already scale much larger than that with existing hardware for a fraction of the cost. It never really hits a scale ceiling… My choice for the number of coins and distribution schedule was an educated guess… there’s only going to be 21 million coins for the whole world.”


12th April (2019): Evidence and law — Craig Wright

12th April (2024): The crypto market experienced a crash that wiped $150Bn off the total market cap within 8hrs.

13th April (2019): U.S. copyright registration no. TX-8–708–058, effective date April 13, 2019, for computer program entitled Bitcoin, with year of completion 2009 and date of first publication January 3, 2009. The registration recognizes the author as Craig Steven Wright, using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Wright wrote most of version 0.1 of the Bitcoin client software, and the registration covers the portions he authored.

13th April (2022): Mastercard and Nexo release “crypto-backed” credit card

14th April (2017): BTC momentarily dropped to $0.06

14th April (2021): Coinbase IPO “Coinbase Goes Public April 14”

15th April (1912): The White Star Line ship Titanic was swapped for its sister ship, Olympic, and sank as an insurance scam, & to rid the three main objectors to the creation of a US Central Bank proposed by J.D. Rockefeller & J.P. Morgan.

15th April (2014): Amazon has no plans to accept Bitcoin as form of payment.

15th April (2019): Binance to Delist Bitcoin SV as It ‘No Longer Meets’ the Exchange’s Standards.

16th April (2013): Nouriel Roubini posts about Bitcoin…

16th April (2013): The Bitcoin Bubble and a Bad Hypothesis

16th April (2014): Linguistic researchers claim Nick Szabo likely authored Bitcoin white paper.

16th April (2015): The First Bitcoin Africa Conference to be Held on the 16th & 17th April 2015 in Cape Town.

17th April (2023): The Ordinals Council was formed in early 2023 with the goal of uniting the top talent in the broader crypto ecosystem & bringing them to the new frontier, the Godchain: Bitcoin.
The $CNCL token launched April 17th 2023 as a fair launch token — free access to all. With maximum transparency.
The Council has 3 tiers of participation:
1. The Executive Council (Core Team)
2. The Council (100 of the top Builders and Creators in Crypto)
3. Candidates (6250 top-community members) In the next few weeks, The Council will open up its doors to new members.
Do you have what it takes to be a member of The Council?


17th April (2024): Satoshi Nakamoto Debate Flares as Ripple CTO Criticizes Craig Wright (Ryuushi vs David Schwartz)

18th April (2011): Marks the creation of the first alt coin, “NameCoin”. It was a fork of the Bitcoin source code with modifications that allows expansion of the functionality to include more use cases. Its marketing blurb said: “The two shared many similarities such as their total supply being 21,000,000.”
$NMC was later a community-led meme token on the ETH network, marketed as “A modern take on the OG with one mission: to flip the OG in marketcap! We are not trying to get to $1 Billion MC….just $21 Million!”

18th April (2024): Teranode Runs for 24 Hrs. https://teranode.bsvblockchain.org/updates/breakthrough/?s=08

19th April (2021): Emerging storage-based cryptocurrency Chia could jack up SSD/HDD prices in the future.

19th April (2022): Crypto wallet MetaMask warns iCloud users to disable backups after $650,000 phishing scam.

20th April (2017): A televised news report from CNBC India on 20th April reveals that the Indian government is leaning toward granting legality to bitcoin.

21st April (2011): .bit Domains were created. They refer to the standard domains created on the Namecoin blockchain. They are widely regarded as the oldest NFTs on any blockchain.

22nd April (2011): Bitcoin experienced its first parabolic rally with 4000% gains. On 22nd April 2011 Bitcoin broke out on the upside & by 8th June 2011, within 50 days, had posted 4000% gains.


22nd April (2014): Video- Dorian Nakamoto Thanks Bitcoin Community For Donations

22nd April (2022): In a Tweet, Bloomberg senior commodity strategist Mike McGlone suggested that Bitcoin (BTC) was becoming collateral in the global paradigm shift marked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the fact that China banned cryptocurrencies in 2021. https://twitter.com/dcxacademy/status/1520927480722382849

23rd April (2011): Satoshi’s final email to Mike Hearn: “I’ve moved on to other things. It’s in good hands with Gavin and everyone.”


23rd April (2020): Vitalik Tweeted: BSV does not scale


23rd April (2024): El Salvador: Hackers leak code of state Bitcoin wallet

24th April (2012): An Intelligence Assessment report dated 24th April 2012 and graded as: ‘Unclassified/For Official Use Only’ has appeared on the Internet.
Bitcoin Virtual Currency: Unique Features Present Distinct Challenges for Deterring Illicit Activities documents the challenges the FBI face in tracing suspicious activities.

24th April (2024): Binance: DOJ Recommends 3-Year Sentence for CZ’s Violations

25th April (2019): Nike Files Trademark Application in the US for ‘Cryptokicks’

25th April (2022): Fully Crypto pushes an article titled: What Was the Bitcoin New York Agreement?

26th April (2011): The Final communication from Satoshi Nakamoto was on April 26th 2011.


26th April (2024): New powers to seize cryptoassets used by criminals go live.

27th April (1961): JFK: “The President and the Press” speech, 27th April.1961, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in NYC.

27th April (2011): Gavin will visit the CIA email…

28th April (2011): Satoshi Disappear Day


28th April (2022): Goldman Offers Its First Bitcoin-Backed Loan in Crypto Push.
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-28/goldman-offers-its-first-bitcoin-backed-loan-in-crypto-push https://archive.ph/mDNYw

28th April (2023): Bernstein Private Wealth Management Says “Buy Bitcoin”.

29th April (1971): Memorandum FCO 30/1048 drafted

29th April (2003): Archaeologists in Iraq were reportedly of the belief that they may have discovered the lost tomb of Gilgamesh, ruler of the ancient Sumerian city of Uruk and the subject of the oldest recorded story in history.

29th April (2014): Yelp now shows if a business accepts Bitcoin

29th April (2021): Chia crypto mining spurs 500% jump in Adata SSD sales, warranty warning from Galax

29th April (2011): Bitcointalk

30th April (2021): Anthony Pompliano posted “Never underestimate a founder who just won’t quit.”

30th April (2021): Bored Ape Yacht Club character release.

Nicole Muniz, Co-CEO of Yuga interviewed at Ape Fest 2022 throwing up Illuminati signs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDgazGVBzsE

1st May (1984): I don’t believe we shall ever have good money again before we take it out of the hands of government. We can’t take it violently. All we can do is by some sly, roundabout way introduce something they can’t stop. — Friedrich Hayek

1st May (1933): Cut off closing date for Executive Order 6102

2nd May (1946): SEC v. W.J. Howey Co., 328 U.S. 293 (1946).
Argued May 2, 1946

2nd May (2009): https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/#email-1

2nd May (2016): Gavin Andresen, creator of the Bitcoin Foundation & the individual known to have inherit the role of lead developer for Bitcoin off of Satoshi Nakamoto publishes a blog post titled: ‘I believe Craig Steven Wright is the person who invented Bitcoin.’ https://gavinandresen.ninja/satoshi

2nd May (2016): John Matonis, monetary economist, co-founding director of the Bitcoin Foundation & Chief Economist at Cypherpunk Holdings, published a Medium article titled: ‘How I Met Satoshi’, and names Craig Wright as the creator of Bitcoin. https://jonmatonis.medium.com/how-i-met-satoshi-96e85727dc5a

2nd May (2016): After having initially released an article on 8th Dec 2015 pointing the finger at Craig Wright being Satoshi (https://www.wired.com/2015/12/bitcoins-creator-satoshi-nakamoto-is-probably-this-unknown-australian-genius/),
Wired Magazine publishes another article naming Craig Wright as the inventor of Bitcoin titled: ‘How Craig Wright Privately, Proved, He Created Bitcoin’. https://www.wired.com/2016/05/craig-wright-privately-proved-hes-bitcoins-creator/

2nd May (2016): After having initially released an article on 9th Dec 2015 pointing the finger at Craig Wright being Satoshi (https://gizmodo.com/heres-all-the-evidence-that-craig-wright-invented-bitco-1747059371)
Gizmodo Magazine publishes an article quoting Gavin Andresen as saying “I Was Not Hacked, and I Believe Craig Wright Is Satoshi”. https://gizmodo.com/gavin-andresen-i-was-not-hacked-and-i-believe-craig-w-1774226431

2nd May (2016): The Economist Publishes an article referencing the claim that Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin. https://www.economist.com/briefing/2016/05/02/craig-steven-wright-claims-to-be-satoshi-nakamoto-is-he

2nd May (2016): The BBC Publishes an article referencing the claim that Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36168863

2nd May (2016): Craig Wright Claims to be Bitcoin’s Creator.
Following a five month absence from the public eye, Craig Wright publicly announced he was Satoshi Nakamoto by means of a blog post. The blog post featured a disjointed demonstration of a private key signing, which seemed to be an attempt to verify Wright was in possession of Nakamoto’s private Bitcoin keys. This verification was later debunked by the Bitcoin community. Wright’s claim was backed up by Bitcoin developer Gavin Andresen in his own blog post earlier the same day. Andresen stated that he met with Wright in-person in London, and privately witnessed Wright sign an arbitrary message using one of Nakamoto’s private Bitcoin keys. Andresen later stated that he may have been tricked by Wright. Sources: http://www.drcraigwright.net/jean-paul-sartre-signing-significance/ http://gizmodo.com/craig-wright-reveals-himself-as-bitcoin-creator-satoshi-1774194884 https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/technical-proof-craig-wright-not-satoshi-nakamoto/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11609707 http://gavinandresen.ninja/satoshi https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/gavin-andersen-craig-wright-blog-mistake/

2–4 May (2016): Gavin Andresen gives an interview to the BBC at the ‘btc2016 Blockchain Technology Conference’, New York, saying that he met up with & was shown cryptographic proof, “beyond a reasonable doubt”, by Craig Wright, in London, that he possessed the private key from the very first Bitcoin block. https://youtu.be/W1f5Ms5heMM

2–4 May (2016): Gavin Andresen gives a testimony on stage at the BTC16 Blockchain Technology Conference, New York, that Craig Wright showed him cryptographic proof that he possessed the private key to the very first, ever mined Bitcoin block known to be mined by Satoshi Nakamoto. https://rumble.com/v1peww8-gavin-andresen-says-craig-wright-is-satoshi-nakamoto.html

2nd May (2022): Faketoshi Series (Adam Back): The men who are not Satoshi — Part 2 by Kurt Wurkert Jr

3rd May (2009): https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/#email-2

3rd May (2014): The first known NFT, called Quantum was minted on May 3rd in 2014, by digital artists Kevin McCoy & Anil Dash and later in 2021 sold via Sotheby’s for $1.47 million.

4th May (1956): Hal Finney born

4th May (2008): Coindesk .com domain created https://www.whois.com/whois/coindesk.com

4th May (2009): https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/#email-4

4th May (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=127.msg1063#msg1063

5th May (2009): https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/#email-6

5th May (2018): Bitcoin Is Probably ‘Rat Poison Squared’: Buffett

6th May (2009): https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/#email-9

6th May (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=127.msg1072#msg1072

6th May (2010): The “Flash Crash”. $1Tr was wiped off the Dow Jones in 36 mins before bouncing back.
https://rumble.com/vyx6h3-silverfish-movie.html 4:27:10–4:33:30

7th May (2009): https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/#email-11

7th May (2013): Mike Hearn implemented the “Regression Test Mode” (-regtest). Release with Bitcoin-Core version 0.9.0.

7th May (2024): Patent granted

8th May (2016): Wladimir van der Laan: “There is Something Truly Fishy Going On”

9th May (2018): Transform Africa Summit. CSW speech…

10th May (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=132.msg1102#msg1102

10th May (2017): @Snyke a Bitcoin developer and Core Tech Engineer at Blockstream, made the first Lightning Network transaction using the Litecoin mainnet. After the activation of the SegWit soft fork on Litecoin, Decker created a patch for the c-lightning implementation to make it work on Litecoin. The transaction was conducted between two nodes managed by Decker, one in Zurich and the other in San Francisco: a channel was created between the two nodes and a payment of 1000 millisatoshis (1 satoshi) was made.

11th May (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=132.msg1110#msg1110

11th May (2019): World Currencies.

12th May (2014): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=321287.380

13th May (2014):https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=321287.380

13th May (2009): Roy Murphy — When people call me a scammer, remind them: Who mined the first Linux Bitcoin client on May 13th 2009, 6 months before the first official Linux client was released? Who operated more than 30% of Bitcoin hashrate from 2011–2013? Who created AuxPoW merged mining algo in 2010?
I built and ran the first Linux Bitcoin node (Gentoo Incognito 2008.1) on May 13th 2009. The gcc & g++ compilation was a pain in the ass! Took me 2 solid days to fudge. The first Linux Bitcoin build wasn’t publicly released until November that year.
CSW: Bitcoin was not created on Linux. It was built on Microsoft XP using Visual Studio. Guess who was a C++/C# and .Net developer… GIAC .NET (GNET) Analyst Number: 129 Obtained: 2008–06–02

13th May 2021: TPR Crypto NewsLetter

14th May (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=132.msg1121#msg1121

14th May (2010): https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/#email-191

15th May (1948): Nakba Day https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba_Day

15th May (2011): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=1.60160

15th May (2011): brilliant twitter quote about bitcoin


15th May (2024): Launch of MNEE USD-Backed Stablecoin on BSV Blockchain, Designed as the “Currency For Tomorrow”.

16th May (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=132.msg1126#msg1126

16th May (2010): https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/#email-192

16th May (2011): Greg Schoen “I wish I had kept my 1,700 BTC @ $0.06 instead of selling them at $0.30, now they they’re $8.00!”

17th May (2009): Laszlo Hanyecz posted out on a forum a request to buy pizza with bitcoin.

18th May (2010): Discussion of the offer to buy Pizza

19th May (2010): Discussion of the offer to buy Pizza

20th May (2024): Judge Edward James Mellor releases his written judgement for the COPA case, the day before the start of the London Blockchain Conference.
Crypto Open Patent Alliance v Craig Steven Wright [2024] EWHC 1198 (Ch)

20–21 May (2017): The Bitcoin New York Agreement

22nd May (2009): https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/#email-12

22nd May 2010: Bitcoin Pizza Day


22nd May (2024): Steven Bartlett (Dragon’s Den) was a guest speaker at the London Blockchain Conference.

22nd May 2024, London Blockchain Conference.

23rd May (2017): The Bitcoin New York Agreement. The Digital Currency Group, the organizer of the conference, posted details about the agreement on May 23.


23rd May (2019): “You can overcome your distaste for CSW at $100 BSV, at $1000 BSV or at $10,000 BSV. It’s up to you.”


24th May (2009): https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/#email-15

24th May (2019): CSW said he would sign after proving he created Bitcoin https://craigwright.net/blog/bitcoin-blockchain-tech/shades-of-black/

24th May (2020): “Craig Steven Wright is a liar and a fraud. He doesn’t have the keys used to sign this message … We are all Satoshi”

25th May (2020): “May 25th shall be known as Craig Wright is a Fraud day.”

25th May (2021): SirToshi Talks interview Stefan Matthews

26th May (1940): British broke the German secret codes to decipher their messages. Evacuation of Dunkirk May 26th — June 4th.

26th May (2011): Looking back at this (Pizza thread) makes me sick.

27th May (1946): S.E.C vs W.J. Howey Co 1946 decided May 27, 1946

27th May (2011): Bitcointalk

28th May (2011): Bitcointalk

29th May (2011): Bitcointalk

30th May (2022): Soldiers ‘killed 13ft monster descended from Biblical times’ — The Mirror. Afghanistan 2002.

30th May (2024): Confirmation that a dual banking system is running along side the traditional system based on the Petrodollar that the Federal Reserve wants to maintain a monopoly over. But the Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the states to adhere to their own charter outside the corporate Fed system. The Federal Reserve doesn’t respect state rights for banks to adhere to their own charter outside the control of Washington DC. States are taking their power back. The document below shows that the Federal Reserve was never needed on a legal basis.
How? Simple. Banks with federal charters, called national banks, are subject primarily to federal oversight and regulation. And banks with state charters, called state banks, are subject to additional state oversight and regulation. Those two banking systems co-exist and compete. Now it’s in writing. Officially.

1st June (1928): Baruch Levy Letter To Karl Marx

1st June (2011): Gawker Publishes Article About The Silk Road. Titled “The Underground Website Where You Can Buy Any Drug Imaginable,” Adrian Chen’s piece on Gawker is as provocative as it is popular. To many people reading it, the sudden realization that Bitcoin has a useful value — one that’s entirely unique — hits home. With a link to Mt. Gox in the text, the article starts an enormous upswing in price that beats all previous records, reaching over $31 per bitcoin just one week after publication. Sources: http://gawker.com/the-underground-website-where-you-can-buy-any-drug-imag-30818160

1st June (2020): Max Keizer on PBD podcast says he thinks God created Bitcoin

2nd June (2010): Re: Hostnames instead of IP Addresses

2nd June (2011): BitcoinTalk

3rd June (2014): Craig Wright appears on CGTN America to provide an experts opinion on how to secure cyber systems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAyWT3nljBI&t=42s

3rd June (2015): New York State Releases the BitLicense. Superintendent of New York State Department of Financial Services, Benjamin Lawsky, released a set of customized rules meant to regulate Bitcoin and digital currency businesses that serve customers located in New York state. These regulations are the first ever directly targeted at digital currency businesses. According to the regulations, digital currency companies that serve NY customers must apply for a “BitLicense” within 45 days or be considered in “breach of the law”. A BitLicense application costs $5,000 and the regulations include a number business requirements, such as fingerprinting employees for the FBI, obtaining written approval of all new business activities, and retained “earnings and profits of the company can only be invested in US dollars”. In response, New York based customers were banned and expunged by a number of Bitcoin companies, including Bitfinex, Kraken, Bitquick.co, and ShapeShift. Sources: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2aycxs/hi_this_is_ben_lawsky_at_nydfs_here_are_the http://www.dfs.ny.gov/about/speeches/sp1506031.htm https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/38dr9b/ny_financial_regulator_lawsky_releases_final/ http://www.dfs.ny.gov/legal/regulations/adoptions/dfsp200t.pdf http://www.coindesk.com/ny-bitcoin-business-45-days-bitlicense/ http://bravenewcoin.com/news/mass-exodus-of-bitcoin-exchanges-from-new-york-state-triggered-by-bitlicense-deadline/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3gcedf/bitlicense_the_rundown/

3rd June (2019): Dr Craig Wright trolls the BSV community by stating that BSV would be over $1200 by the end of the year.

4th June (1963): Executive Order 11110 was issued by U.S. President John F. Kennedy on June 4, 1963. This executive order amended Executive Order 10289 (dated September 17, 1951)[1] by delegating to the Secretary of the Treasury the president’s authority to issue silver certificates under the Thomas Amendment of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended by the Gold Reserve Act.

5th June (2011): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=1.59760

6th June (1944): On the 6th Day, of the 6th Month, at 6:15am in 1944 the D-day landings took place.

7th June (2009): The Domain name Blockstream .com was created.

7th June (2009): https://mmalmi.github.io/satoshi/#email-16

7th June (2019): Dr Craig Wright filmed himself logging to the AnonymousSpeech .com domain name & hosting website, accessing the profile that Satoshi Nakamoto created in order to purchase the domain name & hosting services of Bitcoin. org.

8th June (1967): United State ship USS Liberty attacked & sunk by Israel.

8th June (2010): Hal Finney Tweet “Going to Google calendar page causes an infinite loop of redirects for both my wife’s and my Macs. Google status page says AOK?”

8th June (2018): The Bitcoin standard published Saifedean Ammous

9th June (2009): “I couldn’t get TikiWiki to work…”

9th June (2011): David Kleiman acknowledges a transfer of ₿ 1,100,111 Bitcoin from Craig Wright for the purposes of creating a trust, scheduled to be returned to Craig Wright on 2020.01.01. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2644014-Tulip-Trust-Redacted

9th June (2022): SirToshi came up with this simple quote to describe Bitcoin & its network.

10th June (2011):

11th June (2009): Someone came up with the word “cryptocurrency”… maybe it’s a word we should use when describing Bitcoin, do you like it?

11th June (2016): Coin Rush, One Coin, Global Event. The SSE Arena, Wembley, London. Dr Ruja Ignatova.

12th June (2009): ”The P2P Cryptocurrency” could be considered as the

12th June (2011): On this day in 2011 the price of Bitcoin fell to $0.01 after a hack on Mt.Gox Exchange…

12th June (2020): Samson Mow posts “Faketoshi’s lawyers are sending this around.”

13th June (2011): “Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange reported some BTC 25,000 (US$400,000 at the time) had been stolen from 478 accounts.”

13th June (2022): Crypto Lender Celsius Pauses Withdrawals — June 13, 2022Bitcoin value: $22487.39 Bitcoin value 10 days later: $21085.88 View Event #210 on ChartCryptocurrency lending platform, Celsius paused all withdrawals, causing more pain in the fragile crypto market. “Due to extreme market conditions, today we are announcing that Celsius is pausing all withdrawals, Swap, and transfers between accounts” — the company said in a memo to clients.

14th June (2009): I created a “Moderators” group to give my
Satoshi account as much editing control as possible without the ability
to overthrow everything.

15th June (1215 ): Magna Carta Libertatum (Medieval Latin for “Great Charter of Freedoms”), commonly called Magna Carta or sometimes Magna Charta (“Great Charter”), is a royal charter of rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215. First drafted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Cardinal Stephen Langton, to make peace between the unpopular king and a group of rebel barons, it promised the protection of church rights, protection for the barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift and impartial justice, and limitations on feudal payments to the Crown, to be implemented through a council of 25 barons.

15th June (2023): Case Management Conference for COPA case held. Large flows of BTC miner to exchange outflows.

16th June (2010): “What would be nice about sending by domain is you could visually verify who it’s going to.” https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/posts/bitcointalk/123/

17th June (2010): “The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

17th June (2011): Friday 17 June, Mt. Gox’s user database leaked for sale to pastebin, signed by ~cRazIeStinGeR~ and tied to auto36299386@hushmail.com. The theft of Bitcoins from Mt. Gox accounts continued, reportedly, throughout that day.

18th June (2010): “(I’ve been working on Bitcoin) Since 2007. At some point I became convinced there was a way to do this without any trust required at all and couldn’t resist to keep thinking about it.” https://www.satoshivibes.com/quotes/126

19th June (2011): On 19 June, a stream of fraudulent trades caused the nominal price of a bitcoin to fraudulently drop to one cent on the Mt. Gox exchange.

20th June (2021): Peter McCormack interviews Nayib Bukele. https://www.moneytimes.com.br/como-bitcoiners-estao-ajudando-el-salvador-com-sua-lei-bitcoin/

21st June: “Lost coins only make everyone else’s coins worth slightly more. Think of it as a donation to everyone.”

22nd June (2008): Craig Wright has a paper accepted by the SANS institue titled: Detecting Hydan: Statistical Methods For Classifying The Use Of Hydan Based Stenography In Executable Files.

22nd June (2010): Laszlo figured out that enabling some more optimisation increased performance about 20%, so 0.3 hashes 20% faster than 0.2.0, but I assume he used that in his own build.

22nd June (2020): New Zealand Police Seize $91 Million From Russian Bitcoin Exchange Operator.
Police in New Zealand confiscated NZ$140 million ($91 million) from Russian bitcoin exchange operator Alexander Vinnik. The funds were seized from bank accounts held by Canton Business Corporation, a New Zealand-registered company managing the exchange. Vinnik is the alleged owner of the collapsed BTC-e exchange. BTC-e exchange operated without anti-money laundering controls and policies, allowing criminals to launder illicit funds through the bourse. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/23/new-zealand-makes-its-biggest-ever-asset-seizure-over-alleged-vast-bitcoin-ring https://news.bitcoin.com/new-zealand-police-seize-91-million-from-russian-bitcoin-exchange-operator/

Read more: Complete Bitcoin Chart History Graph + Related Events 2009–2024 | 99Bitcoins

23rd June (2021): JMAC murdered in Spanish prison.
“John McAfee: Antivirus creator found dead in prison cell”

24th June (2010): “Here’s RC1 for linux for testing:”

25th June (2010): We need more details about what happened MadHatter.

26th June (2018): Cobra posted… If Satoshi ever came back he would be chased out

27th June (1958): Birthday of Cynthia Dwork creator of POW with Moni Naor

27th June (2013): US Marshals Service Auctions 29,656 Seized Bitcoins. Nearly 30,000 government seized Bitcoins, obtained by the US Marshals Service during the October 2013 bust of the Silk Road website, are auctioned off in chunks of 3,000 bitcoins. Bidders are required to deposit $200,000 USD via bank wire in order to qualify for the auction. A single bidder (venture capitalist Tim Draper) won every auction, indicating that his winning bid prices were far higher than the current market price.

28th June (2021): London’s High Court grants Dr Craig Wright, via default judgment, copyright ownership of the Bitcoin White Paper. https://coingeek.com/craig-wright-awarded-default-judgment-in-first-bitcoin-white-paper-lawsuit/

28th June (2023): CFTC issues $54M default judgment against trader in crypto fraud scheme

29th June (2011): WATCH! As Bitcoin goes from $32 to 1 cent. Recorded in real time on June 19th 2011. You haven’t seen volatility till you’ve seen this…

29th June (2011): Bitcoin Talk Posts

29th June (2022): MicroStrategy Buys $10M of Bitcoin. Cloud software company MicroStrategy announced another Bitcoin purchase, spending this time $10 million on BTC. https://www.microstrategy.com/en/investor-relations/financial-documents/microstrategy-acquires-additional-480-bitcoins_06-29-2022

30th June (1937): First introduced in the London area on 30 June 1937, the UK’s 999 number (inverted 666) is the world’s oldest emergency call telephone service. The system was introduced following a house fire in Wimpole Street on 10 November 1935, in which five women were killed.

30th June (2016): Andrew O’Hagan publishes a book titled: ‘The Satoshi Affair’ that names Craig Wright as the creator of Bitcoin & the man behind the pseudonymous author of the Bitcoin White Paper, Satoshi Nakamoto. https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v38/n13/andrew-o-hagan/the-satoshi-affair

30th June (2017): John Matonis introduces Craig Wright to the audience at the ‘Future of Bitcoin Conference 2017- Arnhem, Netherlands’, as “Mr Bitcoin Dundee”.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/RTZl2my6Rmum/ https://youtu.be/dgqtcu0zo-k

30th June (2017): Craig Wright explains the meaning of the message he put into the Bitcoin genesis block that read: Chancellor on brink of second bailout for Banks.
“They were considering buying the toxic assets. The government was saying: ‘The naughty banks, who we’ve just given $billion’s to, refuse to change their business model & risk their money. Again, and if they don’t do it, we’re going to buy them, & nationalise them.’ So, great, we’re going to incentive banks further to make crappier loans. What a great thing.” — Craig Wright. https://www.bitchute.com/video/SsgiI0AWf2wq/

30th June (2020): Samson Mow admits Blockstream controls BTC. https://www.youtube.com/live/Sm7s5K6nkWA?t=1732s

30th June (2022): Notice Of Ownership Of Digital Assets (Bitcoin) in Financial Times…

1–22nd July (1944): Bretton Woods Conference, meeting at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire (July 1–22, 1944), during WW2 to make financial arrangements for the post war world after the expected defeat of Germany and Japan.

1st July (1971): Memorandum FCO 30/1048 was published & hidden from the British public for 30yrs.

1st July (2015): 2 Federal Agents Plead Guilty to Silk Road Theft. Former Federal agents Carl Force IV (DEA) and Shaun Bridges (Secret Service) pleaded guilty to stealing Bitcoins for their personal gain during their active investigation of the Silk Road marketplace. Force was charged with “extorting Ulbricht, as well as wire fraud, theft of government property, money laundering, and conflict of interest” in his role in siphoning off $50,000 worth of Bitcoin from the Silk Road into his own personal accounts. Bridges is charged with money laundering and obstruction of justice for stealing $820,000 worth of Bitcoin in a similar manner. Force agreed to pay $500,000 in restitution and was later sentenced to 6 years in prison in October 2015. Bridges is awaiting sentencing in December 2015. Sources: http://www.forbes.com/sites/katevinton/2015/07/01/corrupt-dea-agent-pleads-guilty-to-extorting-bitcoin-from-silk-road-creator-ross-ulbricht/ http://insidebitcoins.com/news/former-us-federal-agent-pleads-guilty-to-800000-bitcoin-theft/34678 http://www.forbes.com/sites/sarahjeong/2015/03/31/force-and-bridges/ http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/silk-road-federal-agent-gets-6-years-stealing-50000-worth-bitcoins-1524901

1st July (2021): Launch of Million token by Tech Lead


2nd July (2010): Re: Feature Request: Limiting Connections

3rd July (1933): After the Zionist creation of Executive order 6102, issued on 5th April 1933 & completed on 1st May 1933, that stole all the gold from the people of the United States, the greatest Zionist spectacle ever staged in Chicago took place on the evening of Monday, July 3, 1933, at Soldier Field, before more than 125,000 people. Sponsored by the Jewish Agency for Palestine. The event was titled: The Romance of A People.

4th July (1776): U.S Independence day.
The illuminati was formed on 1st May 1776 ready to infiltrate & exploit a nation recovering from a civil war.

5th July (2010): Re: Slashdot Submission for 1.0

6th July (2010): Anonymous, homepage changes.

6th July (2018): crypto .com domain sold for $millions

6th July (2022): Georgia guide stones destroyed.

7th July (2005): London bombings 7/7. Cockney rhyming slang for 9/11.

7th July (2010): Re: Anonymous, homepage changes.

7th July (2010): Bitcoin experienced its first price spike. It rose 900% over 5 days from -$0.01 to $0.08.

8th July (2010): Re: Anonymity

9th July (2014): Judge Shoots Down ‘Bitcoin Isn’t Money’ Argument in Silk Road Case. The government and legal community may still be arguing over whether bitcoin can be defined as “money.” But the judge presiding over the landmark Silk Road drug case has declared that it’s at least close enough to get you locked up for money laundering.

9th July (2016): Second Halving Day. The block reward was decreased for the second time in Bitcoin’s history, resulting in a new reward of 12.5 bitcoins per mined block. The automatic 50% drop continued Bitcoin’s original design to gradually decrease the number of newly created bitcoins until the block reward ends completely, which is estimated to occur in the year 2140. The block reward halving occurs every 210,000 blocks and the next “Halving Day” is expected to occur in July 2020. Sources: http://blockr.io/block/info/420000

Read more: Complete Bitcoin Chart History Graph + Related Events 2009–2024 | 99Bitcoins

9th July (2021): Square Plans to Make a Bitcoin Hardware Wallet.
Payments company Square Inc (SQ.N) confirmed they will make a hardware wallet for Bitcoin. The firm decided to build a hardware wallet and service to make bitcoin custody more mainstream. https://www.reuters.com/business/square-plans-make-hardware-wallet-bitcoin-2021-07-09/

10th July (2014): Craig Wright is interviewed by Dale Dickins at Australia’s first ever Bitcoin conference in Melbourne called, ‘Inside Bitcoin Conference’, 9th-10th July, 2014. The 3 part series by Dale was called: ‘The Bitcoin Doco’. https://youtu.be/gYskRI0ynAM.

10th July (2021): A 124-year old hydroelectric plant is using its power to mine Bitcoin

10th July (2023): CSW. You can listen now & be ahead of the curve…

11th July (2010): Bitcoin Posted on Slashdot. The release of Bitcoin version 0.3 is featured on slashdot.org, a popular news and technology website. Reaching a large audience of technophiles, the article brings many newly-interested people on board, driving the exchange value of a single bitcoin up nearly tenfold, from approximately $0.008 to $0.08 in just five days. Sources: http://slashdot.org/story/10/07/11/1747245/bitcoin-releases-version-03

https://beincrypto.com/jeff-garzik-satoshi-nakamoto-was-clear-what-bitcoin-should-be/ Jeff Garzik is said to have first heard about Bitcoin from the Slashdot article and later said this quote about it.

11th July (2011): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=1.57800

11th July (2019): President Trump Comments on Bitcoin. In a series of tweets, Trump expanded on his thoughts on crypto, saying he is not a fan of Bitcoin. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1149472282584072192

12th July (2017): Audience Member, Christian Langalis, Holds ‘Buy Bitcoin’ Sign During Yellen Testimony.


13th July (2010): Bitcoin Talk.
Transactions with “0 confirmations” are transactions that your client has seen, but haven’t been put into a block yet.

14th July (2010): Fwd: Re: bitcoin!!!!

14th July (2010): Re: No blocks downloaded… why? https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/posts/bitcointalk/178/

14th July (2021): Million token reach its all time high mkt cap https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/Million-_MM $256.37

14th July (2022): Troubled Crypto Lender Celsius Files for Bankruptcy.
U.S. crypto lender Celsius Network filed for bankruptcy in New York. New Jersey-based Celsius froze withdrawals one month earlier, citing “extreme” market conditions, cutting off access to savings for individual investors and sending tremors through the crypto market. In a court filing at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for Southern District of New York, Celsius estimated its assets and liabilities as between $1 billion to $10 billion, with more than 100,000 creditors. The company has $167 million in cash on hand. https://www.reuters.com/technology/crypto-lender-celsius-files-bankruptcy-2022-07-14/

15th July (2010): Craig Wright, as Satoshi, installed a 1mb block cap after being pressured by Hal Finney to do so since Hal was unfamiliar with the nature of Bitcoin’s economic model.
The limit was originally Hal Finney’s idea. Both Satoshi and I objected that it wouldn’t scale at 1MB.” — Ray Dillinger

15th July (2020): Twitter Accounts Hacked by Bitcoin Thieves.
Crypto hackers took over the Twitter accounts of prominent users including Bill Gates, Kanye West, Elon Musk and Barack Obama and many more. The Bitcoin wallet where followers were asked to send money received more than $118,000 before Twitter locked down all verified accounts to shut down the scam. Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter sent out the following tweet to address the situation: Tough day for us at Twitter. We all feel terrible this happened. We’re diagnosing and will share everything we can when we have a more complete understanding of exactly what happened. Twitter put out a blog post confirming that 130 accounts were targeted and the hackers were able to initiative a password reset, log in to the account, and send tweets for 45 of those accounts. Twitter also said that the hackers were able to download account data belonging to eight unverified users. The cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has stopped around 1,100 customers from sending around $280,000 in bitcoin to hackers who gained access to high-profile Twitter accounts. Following a widespread investigation a 17-year-old Tampa teenager was arrested in Florida for allegedly being the “mastermind” behind the July 15 Twitter hack. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/353395 https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/15/technology/twitter-hack-bill-gates-elon-musk.html https://www.theverge.com/2020/7/20/21331499/coinbase-twitter-hack-elon-musk-bill-gates-joe-biden-bitcoin-scam https://www.tampabay.com/news/crime/2020/08/01/twitter-teen-makes-first-court-appearance-in-tampa/

15th July (2021): Square Is Building Decentralized Finance Business Using Bitcoin. Payments company Square is launching a business dedicated to “decentralized financial services” using bitcoin. Square CEO and bitcoin bull Jack Dorsey said on Twitter that “Square is focused on building an open developer platform with the sole goal of making it easy to create non-custodial, permissionless, and decentralized financial services.” https://twitter.com/jack/status/1415765941904941061 https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/16/square-is-building-a-decentralized-finance-business-for-bitcoin.html

15th July (2024): BitConnect promoter banned for 5 years by Sydney District Court

16th July (2018): BlackRock looks into crypto and blockchain.
Bitcoin jumped as the news spread that BlackRock sets up a working group to look into cryptocurrencies and blockchain. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink later confirmed the report in an interview with Reuters. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/07/16/bitcoin-jumps-after-report-says-blackrock-exploring-cryptocurrencies.html https://www.reuters.com/article/us-blackrock-cryptocurrency/blackrock-is-evaluating-cryptocurrencies-ceo-says-idUSKBN1K61MC

16th July (2024): Judge refers ‘bitcoin inventor’ to CPS over courtroom lies

16th July (2024): Dr Craig Wright was order by Judge Mellor, of the UK High Court, to post a notice on his social media denying his claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto…


16th July (2024): Dr Craig Wright under the pseudonym S Tominaga wrote…

In the depths of sand where secrets lie,
We forge a path where truth won’t die.
An immutable ledger, etched in light,
A beacon clear in the endless night.

Here, in the code, our values stand,
No change shall alter this sacred land.
For fairness lives in every line,
A protocol, forever fine.

Eternal rules, by which we guide,
No hidden hand can shift or hide.
In blockchain’s weave, we place our trust,
A system pure, forever just.

No ruler’s whim, no fleeting chance,
Can sway the course, or lead a dance.
For every block, a story tells,
Of fairness etched in cryptic spells.

Through each transaction, clear and bright,
We build a world, where all is right.
In this unchanging, digital tome,
We find our truth, our stable home.

No need for power to corrupt,
In this realm, no soul disrupts.
Immutable, the protocol stands,
Guiding fairly, all our lands.

We rise above the tyrant’s reign,
In blockchain’s glow, we break the chain.
Each merit earned, each effort shown,
Rewards are reaped, and fairly known.

For in this ledger, we inscribe,
The hopes and dreams of every tribe.
A system pure, transparent, clear,
Where every voice can persevere.

So come, dear kin, and join this stand,
For justice born of coded land.
Immutable and ever fair,
Our future bright, beyond compare.

In blockchain’s heart, our faith is sworn,
A fair republic, newly born.
With rules that stand the test of time,
Eternal, just, in perfect rhyme.

17th July (2014): New York DFS Releases Proposed “BitLicense” Benjamin M. Lawsky, Superintendent of New York’s Department of Financial Services, announces a proposed set of regulations for businesses that interact with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. The goal of the new regulations, according to Lawsky, are to help “protect consumers and root out illegal activity — without stifling beneficial innovation”. The regulations would require entities that deal in Bitcoin to run background checks/fingerprints for all employees, get written approval for new business activities by the state, and to immediately convert any Bitcoin profit to US dollars. Affected entities would be exchanges, mining pools, bulk Bitcoin sellers, and altcoin software creators based in New York state, or that have customers in New York state. News of these regulations are generally rebuked by the cryptocurrency community. Sources: http://www.dfs.ny.gov/about/press2014/pr1407171.html http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2aycxs/hi_this_is_ben_lawsky_at_nydfs_here_are_the/

17th July (2017): JMAC’s famous post about eating his genitalia…


18th July (2010): The first large-scale bitcoin exchange, Mt. Gox, made its appearance. Mt. Gox Opens For Business, value: $0.07 Bitcoin value 10 days later: $0.06. Jed McCaleb, a programmer best known for creating the successful eDonkey peer-to-peer network in 2000, announces the launch of Mt. Gox, a new full-time bitcoin exchange. Based on a prior, abandoned project of McCaleb’s to create an online exchange for Magic: The Gathering cards, he soon struggles to keep up with the demands of the business and sells mtgox.com to Mark Karpelès on March 6, 2011. Mt. Gox would slowly grow to dominate the world of bitcoin trading over the next three years. Sources: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=444.0

18th July (2014): Dell Accepts Bitcoin. Founder Michael Dell announces on Twitter that dell.com now accepts Bitcoin. Customers in the United States (only) can purchase any product listed on Dell’s online marketplace using Bitcoin. All Bitcoin transactions are to be handled by Coinbase, a Bitcoin payment processor. At a yearly revenue of $56 billion, Dell becomes the largest company to accept Bitcoin. This announcement follows a number of other major online retailers’ acceptance of Bitcoin payments in 2014 (Overstock on 2014–01–09 via processor Coinbase, Tiger Direct on 2014–01–23, and Newegg on 2014–07–01 via processor Bitpay). Sources: http://en.community.dell.com/dell-blogs/direct2dell/b/direct2dell/archive/2014/07/18/we-re-now-accepting-bitcoin-on-dell-com.aspx https://twitter.com/MichaelDell/status/490162239983599616 http://coinfire.cf/2014/07/18/breaking-dell-now-accepts-bitcoin/

19th July (2011): How did you find out about Bitcoin?

20th July (1940): Churchill intercepts & stops the peace offering by Hitler from getting to Lord Lothian in order to keep WW2 going.

20th July (2010): dcg .co created

20th July (2017): “At the end of the day, we own a lot of Bitcoin. The simple thing is, if we make the network scale, if we make it bigger, my main compensation, more than anything anyone could ever pay me, is, the price of Bitcoin goes up. So, that’s my pure drive. I want Bitcoin not to go up to $10,000, or $100,000. I want it to be worth $million’s, per Bitcoin. That’s it & that’s what we spend money for. Very simple.” — CSW, Tokyo 20th July 2017

20th July (2022): Tesla Sold 75% of Its Bitcoin Holdings. Tesla sold 75% of its Bitcoin, worth approximately $936 million, according to its Q2 earnings report. In its after-market earnings announcement, the electric car manufacturer founded by Elon Musk said in a shareholder presentation that “Bitcoin impairment” had a negative impact on its profitability during the second quarter, when it posted $2.5 billion in operating income.

21st July (1945): General George S. Patton said…


“Gentlemen, I have come this morning to the inexcusable conclusion that we have fought on the wrong side. This entire war we should have fought with the fascists against the communists and not the other way around.
I fear that perhaps in fifty years America will pay a dear price and become a land of corruption and degenerate morals.” — General George S. Patton (July 21, 1945)

21st July (2009): Subject: Re: Bitcoin

21st July (2011): Tulip Trading incorporated

21st July (2019): Daniel vs Tone Vays at BTC 2019.

22nd July (1944): Bretton Woods Agreement signed.

22nd July (1946): King David Hotel bombing

22nd July (2009): Subject: Re: Bitcoin

22nd July (2014): The Ethereum initial coin offering launched


22nd July (2022): US Regulator Green-Lights Banks for Cryptocurrency Custody Services. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) has clarified that national banks and federal savings associations can provide cryptocurrency custody services for customers. The OCC sees banks providing crypto custody services as “a modern form of traditional bank activities related to custody services.”

23rd July (2010): “Gavin’s changes look good.”

24th July (2014): Craig Wright appears at the inaugural Informa Conference in Sydney, Australia, July 24–25, 2014. Entitled ‘Cryptocon Conference and Barcamp’. https://vimeo.com/187434325. https://www.informa.com.au/insight/the-first-major-bitcoin-event-in-australia-brings-excitement-to-singapore-in-november/

25th July (2010): Upgrade & Stealing coins

26th July (2018): Winklevoss twins Bitcoin ETF is rejected by the SEC.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rejected a request to list an exchange-traded fund run by the Winklevoss twins for the second time. The U.S. financial watchdog has yet to approve a cryptocurrency-based ETF and in the release highlights issues with security, market manipulation and investor protection issues.

26th July (2021): Amazon Rumours Tumble Bitcoin. A job posting from the retail giant, Amazon had stirred questions among analysts over whether the move could eventually lead to Amazon accepting Bitcoin as a method of payment. The report citing an unnamed “insider”, sent the world’s biggest cryptocurrency up as much as 14 percent. Later the day however Amazon denied a media report saying the e-commerce giant was looking to accept bitcoin payments by the end of the year. “Notwithstanding our interest in the space, the speculation that has ensued around our specific plans for cryptocurrencies is not true. We remain focused on exploring what this could look like for customers shopping on Amazon.” — said a spokesperson from Amazon

27th July (2021): Crypto influencer Nugget’s News CEO Alex Saunders accused of not yet being able to repay followers.

28th July (2010): Datadir

29th July (2009): Re Bitcoin. Email 26

29th July (2010): “The current system where every user is a network node is not the intended configuration for large scale. That would be like every Usenet user runs their own NNTP server. The design supports letting users just be users. The more burden it is to run a node, the fewer nodes there will be. Those few nodes will be big server farms. The rest will be client nodes that only do transactions and don’t generate.”

29th July (2010): “If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry.”
Scalability and transaction rate…

29th July (2015): The creation of “GregCoin”.
“Look, it’s clear you have decided that the way Bitcoin was meant to evolve
isn’t to your personal liking. That’s fine. Go make an alt coin where your
founding documents state that it’s intended to always run on a 2015
Raspberry Pi, or whatever it is you mean by “small device”. Remove SPV
capability from the protocol so everyone has to fully validate. Make sure
that’s the understanding that everyone has from day one about what your altcoin is for. Then when someone says, gee, it’d be nice if we had some more capacity, you or someone else can go point at the announcement emails and say “no, GregCoin is meant to always be verifiable on small devices, that’s our social contract and it’s written into the consensus rules for that reason”.
But your attempt to convert Bitcoin into that altcoin by exploiting a temporary hack is desperate, and deeply upsetting to many people. Not many quit their jobs and created companies to build products only for today’s tiny user base.” — Mike Hearn

29th July (2022): BSV Claims Limited v Bittylicious Limited & Others, registered.

30th July (2015): Initial release of Ethereum (ETC)

30th July (2023): Jameson Lopp admits that only 0.06% Satoshi Bitcoin code exists, since Blockstream has come in to control & changed it all…


1st August (2002): Adam Back releases Hashcash White Paper

1st August (2015): Mark Karpeles Arrested. Mark Karpeles, the CEO of the failed Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox, was arrested in Japan on charges of fraud and embezzlement in relation to collapse of the exchange. Karpeles faces allegations of illegally manipulating trade volume and the personal use of client deposits, of which may have led to the exchange’s insolvency. Mt. Gox is thought to have ultimately lost 744,400 Bitcoins of customer deposits. Sources: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-33745611 http://www.coindesk.com/mt-gox-ceo-mark-karpeles-arrested-in-japan/

1st August (2017): Bitcoin chain split BTC/BCH.
Bitcoin “splits” into Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH). After years of debating about how Bitcoin should scale the controversy turned into action. The Bitcoin code split in two different directions. One direction supporting the optimization of Bitcoin blocks through Segwit, while the other direction supports bigger blocks of up to 8mb. The bigger block group called their currency Bitcoin Cash and effectively doubled the holdings of anyone who owned Bitcoin before August 1st. For example, if you have 10 Bitcoins before August 1st, you would now have 10 Bitcoins and 10 Bitcoin Cash.
Sources: https://99bitcoins.com/segwit2x-uasf-and-the-upcoming-fork-guidelines-heres-what-you-need-to-know/

1st August (2017): FCA removed One Coin warning.

1st August (2022): U.K High Court Judge, Martin Chamberlain, ruled that comments made by podcaster Peter McCormack, calling Dr Craig Wright “a liar” and “a fraud” in 2019, caused “serious harm” to Wright’s reputation.

2nd August (2014): Feds’ Silk Road Investigation Broke Privacy Laws, Defendant Tells Court.

2nd August (2016): Bitfinex Hacked. Bitfinex, the largest Bitcoin exchange by volume, announced that 119,756 bitcoins of customer funds had been stolen via a security breach, a value roughly equivalent to $72 million USD. Bitfinex was holding the customer funds in multi-signature addresses in conjunction with its security partner BitGo. It is presumed that the attacker obtained access to the private keys for nearly all Bitfinex customer accounts, as well as access to the BitGo API for the Bitfinex account. It remains unclear if the customer funds were insured by BitGo and if customers will be fully reimbursed. The price of Bitcoin plunged nearly 20% to $480 USD that day before beginning a gradual recovery. Others in the Bitcoin community suggested that prior knowledge of the upcoming hack was used by unknown entities for insider trading as the price had begun to drop significantly before Bitfinex’s announcement. Sources: http://www.coindesk.com/bitfinex-bitcoin-hack-know-dont-know/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4w6tbp/major_shorting_on_okcoin_hours_before_hack_11/

2nd August (2021): Breaking: BSV reportedly suffers ‘massive’ 51% attack. 51% attack 100 block reorg wiping out 570k transactions.

3rd August (2018): Cobra assassination markets post.

3rd August (2018): NYSE’s owner (ICE) announced the launch of Bakkt, a federal regulated market for Bitcoin. NYSE’s Intercontinental Exchange together with Starbucks, Microsoft and BCG, among others, announced they are working to launch a new company called Bakkt. Along with enabling consumers to use bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies at Starbucks, Bakkt will leverage Microsoft’s cloud to create an open and regulated, digital asset ecosystem, ICE said. http://fortune.com/longform/nyse-owner-bitcoin-exchange-startup/ https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/04/brian-kelly-bitcoin-could-come-to-your-401k-with-starbucks-bakkt.html

4th August (2010): Flood attack 0.00000001 BC

5th August (2010): Re: Flood attack 0.00000001 BC https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/posts/bitcointalk/318/

5th August (2024): COPA appeal filed.


CPR PD 5A, Paragraph 5.1: “A document which is filed electronically is to be treated as filed on the day on which it is recorded by the court as having been received by the court at the place where the proceedings are being conducted.”

6th August (2011): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=1.57320

7th August (2010): https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/posts/bitcointalk/326/

7th August (2018): SEC delays decision on Bitcoin ETFs. The price of bitcoin fell sharply after the Securities and Exchange Commission postponed its decision on whether it would approve a bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) proposed by VanEck and SolidX.
https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/08/bitcoin-price-falls-after-sec-postpones-key-etf-decision.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/cbovaird/2018/08/07/bitcoin-prices-drop-after-sec-postpones-etf-decision/#7d56c172e677

7th August (2019): Scammer Demands 300 Bitcoin From Binance in KYC Data Ransom. Binance has been the victim of an attempted ransom demand from a scammer. The attacker threatened to release KYC information if the company did not cough up 300 Bitcoins. In its efforts to be totally transparent, Binance has released a statement revealing that an unidentified individual has ‘threatened and harassed’ them. https://www.binance.com/en/blog/365766157488967680/Statement-on-False-KYC-Leak

8th August (2011): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=1.57280

9th August (2008): The First PGP key for email ‘satoshi@vistomail.com’ was created. This Vistomail account and PGP key is what Satoshi use when emailing Adam Back & Wei Dai on the 21–22 Aug 2008.

9th August (2012): Mt. Gox glitch caused bitcoin to be priced at $1B a piece on the exchange.

9th August (2021): AMC Will Accept Bitcoin. AMC will begin accepting Bitcoin payments for concessions and theater tickets as soon as the end of the year, marking the latest development in AMC’s hard lean into memestock superstardom. During the company’s second-quarter earnings call, AMC boss Adam Aron kicked off the Bitcoin bullet point by noting, unsurprisingly, that many of AMC’s new shareholders are quite enthusiastic about cryptocurrency.

10th August (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=1.61600

11th August (2010): Craig Write, as Satoshi Nakamoto, famously wrote:
“Imagine if gold turned to lead when stolen. If the thief gives it back, it turns to gold again.” https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/posts/bitcointalk/340/

12th August (2010): https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=1.61640

13th August (2010): Zitcoin https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=808.0

14th August (1935): Social Security Administration, Founded.

14th August (2010): Does it scale?

15th August (1871): Albert Pike received a vision which he described in a letter that he wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian revolutionary leader, and fellow 33rd degree Freemason, dated 15th August 1871. This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the “One World Order”, and we can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place.

15th August (1971): “Nixon Shock”, Richard Nixon removed the $USD from Gold & other reserve assets, creating securities fraud as defined by S.E.C vs W.J. Howey Co 1946.

15th August (2010): Bitcoin Protocol Bug Causes Hard Fork. Using a peculiar quirk of the way computers process numbers, an unknown person creates a fraudulent transaction that generates 184,467,440,737.08554078 bitcoins — nearly nine-thousand times as many as can legitimately exist in the entire system. The oddity is quickly spotted by Bitcoin developers and community members, and a fixed version of the Bitcoin software is released within hours. By the next day, the corrected blockchain overtakes the exploited one, and Bitcoin is back in normal operation — but not before the market is badly shaken. Sources: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=822.0 http://sourceforge.net/p/bitcoin/mailman/message/25954806/

15th August (2015): Bitcoin XT Fork Released. Bitcoin Core developers Mike Hearn and Gavin Andresen released a separate version of the Bitcoin client software, called Bitcoin XT. The release illustrates an ongoing controversy in the Bitcoin development community: what limit should be placed on the size of Bitcoin’s blocks? Bitcoin XT implements BIP 101, which proposes “replacing the fixed one megabyte maximum block size with a maximum size that grows over time at a predictable rate”. The release of Bitcoin XT culminated fears that the Bitcoin community may not be able to reach a consensus on the issue, and the blockchain may hard fork, resulting in two separate versions of Bitcoin’s global ledger. Sources: https://medium.com/faith-and-future/why-is-bitcoin-forking-d647312d22c1 https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Block_size_limit_controversy http://www.coindesk.com/what-is-the-bitcoin-block-size-debate-and-why-does-it-matter/ https://bitcoinxt.software/ https://github.com/gavinandresen/bips/blob/fd99a8ce04dbad96fb275e0300a7ee669e70f418/bip-0101.mediawiki

New York, Monday, August 16, 1971

16th August (2010): https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/posts/bitcointalk/377/

16th August (2022): 2017 ICOs aren’t over yet: SEC files suit against Dragonchain and its founder.

17th August (2008): The domain name netcoin.org was registered.

17th August (2012): Bitcoins Savings & Trust Halts Payments. Promising consistent weekly “interest” returns of 7% to its creditors, Trendon T. Shavers (known on BitcoinTalk as Pirateat40) manages the secretive operation for about eight months, accepting only large deposits of bitcoin (50+ BTC) and paying out “interest” weekly. On August 17, 2012, Pirateat40 announces a halt to the operation, and absconds with deposits estimated between 86,202 and 500,000 BTC. On July 23, 2013, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission files charges against Shavers for defrauding investors in a Ponzi scheme.
Sources: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=50822.0

18th August (2008): The domain name bitcoin.org was registered.

18th August (2010):

19th August (2010): “Laszlo told me he did compile in the -4way stuff on Mac”

19th August (2012): 12 years ago today, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss learned about #Bitcoin while partying in Ibiza They started buying at $10, and own over 100,000 $BTC today The Bitcoin Billionaires ‍

20th August (2008): Dr Craig Wright, under the pseudonym ‘Satoshi’, wrote to Adam Back asking for confirmation of correct citation for inclusion in the Bitcoin White Paper.

21st August (2013): Investor Dan Morehead explaining why he bought 30,000 BTC for less than $100 each, exactly 11 years ago “It’s the first global currency since gold.”

22nd August (2008): Craig Wright, under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, emailed Wei Dai inquiring about reference details of “b-money” for situation in a White Paper Titled “Electronic Cash Without a Trusted Third Party.

In 2014, this email, between Satoshi Nakamoto & Wei Dai was published and they were quoted in the _Sunday Times’s 2014–03–02 article

22nd August (2010): I’ve been working on writing the alert system. Alerts are broadcast through the network and apply to a range of version numbers. Alert messages are signed with a private key that only I have.

22nd August (2010); Hey Zooko! I wanted to thank you for posting about Bitcoin on your blog a year or two ago, back when I announced it on the Cryptography mailing list.

“Dr. Craig Wright — the Australian businessman who claims to be the creator of the Bitcoin system and the author of the Bitcoin source code and “White Paper” — successfully appealed a UK High Court decision that denied his request to serve a copyright infringement claim on defendants outside of the UK.”

24th August (2009): Re Bitcoin. Email 27.

24th August (2010): “The overflow bug”

24th August (2017): The first SegWit transition was made on the alternative protocol to Bitcoin in block number 481824 at 1:57am UTC. https://www.coinfirm.com/blog/segwit-had-its-first-transaction-where-did-it-go/

The first alternative ‘SegWit’ protocol legacy address was created using the letters ‘bc’ to indicate the change: bc1q34aq5drpuwy3wgl9lhup9892qp6svr8ldzyy7c.
The sentence “Bitbank Inc. Japan supports SegWit!” was written into the transaction. https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/transaction/f91d0a8a78462bc59398f2c5d7a84fcff491c26ba54c4833478b202796c8aafd

“On August 24, 2017, an update of the Bitcoin protocol called SegWit (Segregated Witness) had its first transaction in block number 481824. Coinfirm’s AML & Analytics Platform supports SegWit transactions so for the 3rd year anniversary we decided to take a deeper look at that first SegWit transaction and where it went.

Pieter Wuille finished his work on SegWit in 2015 and two years later his work gave the potential possibility of modifying the signed transaction to the Bitcoin protocol. This is mainly why the effective block size is increased without having to increase the bitcoin block size limit thanks to downloading the signature data from Bitcoin transactions (digital signatures can take up to 65% of the block). In practice, this allows more transactions to be stored in one block, thereby increasing the throughput of the entire network. Digital cryptographic signatures, which take up the most space, are kicked off the block and their size does not count towards SegWit compatible block size, with the added benefit that it supports the creation of second layer protocols such as lightning web.

When we take a look at the first SegWit transaction, in the transaction hash:(f91d0a8a78462bc59398f2c5d7a84fcff491c26ba54c4833478b202796c8aafd) you will find an encoded sentence in Hexadecimal format. After decryption the message (42697462616e6b20496e632e204a6170616e20737570706f7274732053656757697421) states “Bitbank Inc. Japan supports SegWit!” Coinfirm’s analysis using our AML & Analytics Platform shows that the address beginning with 3DTK… is the first address ever that sent bitcoin to a SegWit address. This SegWit address to which the funds were sent is owned by Bitbank and we assume that the 3DTK… address is also related to Bitbank due to various aspects including the fact that the transaction consisted of a message proclaiming Bitbank’s support for SegWit.

Since its launch in 2017, the popularity of SegWit has been rising. With the rise of its popularity more and more blockchain related service providers and leading companies in their industry segment such as Coinfirm are providing the capability to service SegWit transactions.”


24th August (2021): “My life before — my life in freedom — feels like a distant dream now. I am not dead. I have died without dying.” — Ross Ulbricht

25th August (1940): Churchill ordered 100 bombers to go bomb Berlin, Germany for the purpose of provoking Hitler into start bombing London in order to bring the USA into the war. This was followed by a direct Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour 7th December 1941.

25th August (2010): “Getting surprised by some temporary down time when your node would otherwise be at risk is better than getting surprised by a thief draining all your inventory.”

26th August (2010): “Any backup process/procedure would just be a stopgap until there’s time to properly work on coding solutions in software. We can try to use words to help the situation until code gets there.”

27th August (2010): Fwd: SweepMines now accept bitcoins. Email 232

27th August (2010): Craig Write, as Satoshi Nakamoto, famously wrote:
“Bitcoins have no dividend or potential future dividend, therefore not like a stock. More like a collectible or commodity.” https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/posts/bitcointalk/427/

28th August (1937): Winston Churchill receives a letter from Dr. Heinrich Bruning, the ousted German chancellor, confirming that Hitler & his Nazi Party had been financed by two of the largest Jewish owned Berlin Banks since October 1928.

28th August (2009): Re Bitcoin. Email 30

28th August (2010): The simplification is intentional. There will only be more than one thash[7]=0 in one out of 134,217,728 cases. It only makes it 0.0000007% slower.

28th August (2014): Harold Thomas Finney II (May 4, 1956 — August 28, 2014)

29th August (2009): Re Bitcoin. Email 31

29th August (2010): “little-endian.”

29th August (2017): The first Bitcoin global bull run was underway.

30th August (2010): Something wrong for me? Over 10k blocks

31st August (1997): Why Princes Diana Died