Hi Craig
I’ve seen this $26.5Bn (1.4m BTC) worth of BTC being lined up for what looks like a straight dump. I know you are going to pull the trigger soon. I also know you don’t like being told what to do, but, if you still have any ideations… (which you briefly mentioned when we first communicated) I’d very much like you to reconsider. This is based on the case studies of both Christian & Catholic churches. They’ve become a cesspool of criminal enterprise. I’m sure Jesus would be turning in his grave if he saw what they’d become.
Also, Mahatma Gandhi, he thought he was doing the best for India by ousting the British colonials & yet India became so fractured that he was murdered by one of his own countrymen who blamed him for all the turmoil.
My point is that there is always another chapter in life’s adventure that needs overseeing. Just because a war is won & over doesn’t mean there isn’t going to be yet another due to something entirely different.
Bitcoin will need you around for as long as possible and when Bitcoin is revealed as BSV there will be a minority of BTC’ers who are so stupid that they will want someone to blame for the turmoil just like Jesus & Gandhi. Although Jesus, Gandhi & their stories are world famous & will go down in history, their true legacy leaves much to be desired.
When you told me Bitcoin could be divided by “16 or more decimal places” even Shadders seemed unsure about this. There will be many more decisions that require your guidance & oversight. Bitcoin will be written in the history books, but it needs to be written “Wright”! lol …& it will need you around to do this.
Pls change your mind if you haven’t already.