Bitcoin: The Rise & Rise of Craig Wright.

16 min readOct 22, 2022


Craig Wright discusses what Bitcoin is at Sydney’s Informa Conference 2014

2005.Jul.29 — First Known Satoshi Nakamoto Sighting at What The Hack? Festival, by Joseph Vaughn Perling…

2005.Sep — GIAC Certifications: Craig Wright. Analyst ID:107335. Certified since September 2005. Active/inactive certifications…

2006.Jun — Dr Craig Wright receives certification of being an Information System Security Professional.
“The CISSP certification is one of the most sought-after and prestigious IT certifications in the world. It is required by many of the world’s most security-conscious organizations”

2007.Sep.15 — (prior to The Bitcoin White Paper release 2008.Oct.31) Craig Wright published a White Paper, under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, titled An In-depth Analysis of Proof-of-Work Calculations in the Hashcoin White Paper: Exploring Alternative Strategies.
Within the paper, technology now called “blockchain”, is first described as “TimeChain”.

2007.Oct.30 — (prior to The Bitcoin White Paper release 2008.Oct.31) Craig Wright published a paper for Northumbria University titled: Payments Providers and Intermediaries as Defined in the Law of the Internet. The paper demonstrates comprehensive knowledge regarding the laws surrounding electronic payments.

2008.Jan.14 —(prior to The Bitcoin White Paper release 2008.Oct.31) Craig Wright publishes a paper to the SANS Institute for GIAC Certification titled: Electronic Contracting In An Insecure World. The paper contains information on what is now known, in relation to blockchain technology, as “Smart Contracts”.

2008.Jan.24 — (prior to The Bitcoin White Paper release 2008.Oct.31) Craig Wright creates the Bitcoin White Paper document, and later on Aug 21st, publishes it to the SSRN for peer review.

2008.Mar.12 — (prior to The Bitcoin White Paper release 2008.Oct.31) Craig S Wright wrote an email to Dave Kleiman asking for help to edit a paper “on a form of electronic money. Bit cash, Bitcoin…”

2008.Aug.09 — (prior to The Bitcoin White Paper release 2008.Oct.31) The First PGP key for email ‘’ was created. This Vistomail account and PGP key is what Satoshi use when emailing Adam Back & Wei Dai on the 21–22 Aug 2008.

2008.Aug.17 — The domain name was registered.
2008.Aug.18 — The domain name was registered.

2008.Aug.21 — (prior to The Bitcoin White Paper release 2008.Oct.31) Craig Wright posts the Bitcoin White Paper to the Social Science Research Network.

2008.Aug.22 — (prior to The Bitcoin White Paper release 2008.Oct.31) Craig Wright, under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, emailed Wei Dai inquiring about reference details of “b-money” for use as citation in a White Paper Titled “Electronic Cash Without a Trusted Third Party.

In 2014, this email, between Satoshi Nakamoto & Wei Dai was published and they were quoted in the _Sunday Times’s 2014–03–02 article

2008.Oct.03 — Craig Wright Awarded GIAC Security Expert Malware (GSE-Malware).
Craig Wright is 1 of 4 individual in the world to obtain this certification.
“These individuals will be the elite of malware security, the top practitioners in the field…” — The Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC)

2008.Oct.30 — (prior to The Bitcoin White Paper release 2008.Oct.31) Craig Wright, under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, released & published a downloadable pre-release draft of the Bitcoin White Paper…

2008.Oct.31 — On this date in reference to being awarded the GIAC Security Expert Malware (GSE-Malware) certification on 3rd Oct 2008, and being only 1 of 4 individuals in the world to be awarded the certification, Craig Wright is quoted as describing it as…
“One of the hardest certifications ever devised.” — Craig Wright

2008.Oct.31 — The Bitcoin White Paper was released to a cryptographic mailing list at 18:10 UTC.

2008.Oct.31 — The pseudonymous author of the Bitcoin White Paper, ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’, plagiarised Craig Wright’s work from his paper for Northumbria University, published 30th Oct 2007, in the publication of the Bitcoin White Paper using this exact sentence structure: “a purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a… Page 7.

2009.Jan.03 — Satoshi Nakamoto mined the the Bitcoin Genesis block at height zero. Embedded in the coinbase data of the Genesis block was the text: “The Times 03/Jan/2009. Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.”

2009.Jan.08–14:27:40 EST, the software to & code for Bitcoin v0.1 was first released

2009.Jan.10 — Dr Craig S Wright posted on his Facebook profile that “The Beta of Bitcoin is live tomorrow. This is decentralized… We try until it works.”

2009.Jan.10 — Bitcoin was down for 8 hrs & 34 mins between block 27 & 28. Craig stated that his Bagnoo network rebooted & only he was mining. He had to drive from Lisarow to Bagnoo. He was mining from the ranch before Jan 10th, 2009.
Block 27: 2009–01–10. 06:56:13 (UTC) / 17:56:13 (AEDT) / 23:56:13, 9th (PST)
Block 28: 2009–01–10, 15:30:57 (UTC) / 02:30:57, 11th (AEDT) / 08:30:57 (PST)

2009.Jan.11 (3:33am UTC/ 7:33pm PDT) — Hal Finney downloads the Bitcoin software from Dr Craig Wright & posts out a Tweet “Running bitcoin”.

2009.Apr.12 — Satoshi Nakamoto, in an email to Mike Hearn, wrote: “The existing Visa credit card network processes about 15 million Internet purchases per day worldwide. Bitcoin can already scale much larger than that with existing hardware for a fraction of the cost. It never really hits a scale ceiling.”

2010.Apr.7 — Gavin Andresen meets Dr Craig Wright in London for a “proof session”. Craig Wright proved he has possession of the private keys to Bitcoin block no.1 by signing a message using the private keys. The message wrote was “Gavin’s favorite number is eleven, CSW.”

2010.Jun.17 — Craig Write, as Satoshi Nakamoto, famously wrote: “The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime.”

2010.Jul.15 — Craig Wright, as Satoshi, installed a 1mb block cap after being pressured by Hal Finney to do so since Hal was unfamiliar with the nature of Bitcoin’s economic model.
The limit was originally Hal Finney’s idea. Both Satoshi and I objected that it wouldn’t scale at 1MB.” — Ray Dillinger

2010.Jul.29 — Craig Write, as Satoshi Nakamoto, famously wrote: “If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry.”

2011.Apr.23 — Under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, Craig Wright wrote in one of his final emails to Mike Hearn: “I’ve moved on to other things. It’s in good hands with Gavin and everyone.” Gavin being Gavin Andresen…

2011.Jun.09 — David Kleiman acknowledges a transfer of ₿ 1,100,111 Bitcoin from Craig Wright for the purposes of creating a trust, scheduled to be returned to Craig Wright on 2020.01.01.

2011.Nov.25 — What is regarded as the worlds first ever Bitcoin conference took place in Prague, Czech Republic, titled: EUROPEAN BITCOIN CONFERENCE 2011, PRAGUE NOV 25–27.

2013.May.17 — The first Bitcoin conference in San Jose, California, USA, took place called ‘The Future of Payments’.

2014.Feb.18 — Transcript of proceedings take place at the Australian Taxation Office involving Craig Wright discussing Bitcoin…

p24 point 10, Wright: “Yes. I don’t want to run something that we have 100,000 bitcoin one day and the next day. oops, it’s gone.” CSW

p26 point 10, Wright: “My understanding was that Mr Ferrier didn’t actually want any bitcoin. He wanted the monetary value that he was going to get from these other guys for doing all the stuff, these things, so he was going — -” CSW

p27 point 10, Wright: “I did my best to try and hide the fact that I’ve been running bitcoin since 2009 but I think it’s getting — most — by the end of this I think half the world is going to bloody know.” CSW

2014.Mar.07–Dr Craig Wright posted: “I am not Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto.” — Satoshi Nakamoto

2014.Jun.03 — Craig Wright appears on CGTN America to provide an experts opinion on how to secure cyber systems

2014.Jul.10 — Craig Wright is interviewed by Dale Dickins at Australia’s first ever Bitcoin conference in Melbourne called, ‘Inside Bitcoin Conference’, 9th-10th July, 2014. The 3 part series by Dale was called: ‘The Bitcoin Doco’.

2014.Jul.24 — Craig Wright appears at the inaugural Informa Conference in Sydney, Australia, July 24–25, 2014. Entitled ‘Cryptocon Conference and Barcamp’.

2015.Oct.29 — Bitcoin Investor Conference, Las Vegas, NV, Oct. 29–30, 2015. Craig Wright explains to Nick Zabo, & the watching world, for the first time that Bitcoin script is Turing Complete through the use of control loops, making Bitcoin a general purpose computing language.

2015.Dec.08 — Wired Magazine publishes an article titled: ‘Is Bitcoin’s Creator this Unknown Australian Genius?’

2015.Dec.09 — Gizmodo Magazine publishes an article that evidences Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin, titled: ‘Here’s All the Evidence That Craig Wright Invented Bitcoin’.

2015.Dec.09 — Australian Police raid the home of Craig Wright in relation to being the man behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator & inventor of Bitcoin.

2015.Dec.12 — “kiss my fluffy ASS, you sad little BITCH.”

2016.Dec.02 — Gavin Andresen, creator of the Bitcoin Foundation & the individual known to have inherit the role of lead developer for Bitcoin off of Satoshi Nakamoto publishes a blog post titled: ‘I believe Craig Steven Wright is the person who invented Bitcoin.’

2016.Dec.02 — John Matonis, monetary economist, co-founding director of the Bitcoin Foundation & Chief Economist at Cypherpunk Holdings, published a Medium article titled: ‘How I Met Satoshi’, and names Craig Wright as the creator of Bitcoin.

2016.May.02 — Wired Magazine publishes an article naming Craig Wright as the inventor of Bitcoin titled: ‘How Craig Wright Privately, Proved, He Created Bitcoin’.

2016.May.02 — Gizmodo Magazine publishes an article quoting Gavin Andresen as saying “I Was Not Hacked, and I Believe Craig Wright Is Satoshi”.

2016.May.02 — The Economist Publishes an article referencing the claim that Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin.

2016.May.02 — The BBC Publishes an article referencing the claim that Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin.

2016.May.02–04: Gavin Andresen gives an interview to the BBC at the ‘btc2016 Blockchain Technology Conference’, New York, saying that he met up with & was shown cryptographic proof, “beyond a reasonable doubt”, by Craig Wright, in London, that he possessed the private key from the very first Bitcoin block.

2016.May.02–04: Gavin Andresen gives a testimony on stage at the BTC16 Blockchain Technology Conference, New York, that Craig Wright showed him cryptographic proof that he possessed the private key to the very first, ever mined Bitcoin block known to be mined by Satoshi Nakamoto.

2016.Jun.30 — Andrew O’Hagan publishes a book titled: ‘The Satoshi Affair’ that names Craig Wright as the creator of Bitcoin & the man behind the pseudonymous author of the Bitcoin White Paper, Satoshi Nakamoto.

2017.May.02 — Gavin Andresen Tweets “I was wrong; stay away from Blockstream, Greg (Maxwell) and Samson (Mow) are toxic trolls.”

2017.Jun.30 — John Matonis introduces Craig Wright to the audience at the ‘Future of Bitcoin Conference 2017- Arnhem, Netherlands’, as “Mr Bitcoin Dundee”.

2017.Jun.30 — Craig Wright explains the meaning of the message he put into the Bitcoin genesis block that read: Chancellor on brink of second bailout for Banks.
“They were considering buying the toxic assets. The government was saying: ‘The naughty banks, who we’ve just given $billion’s to, refuse to change their business model & risk their money. Again, and if they don’t do it, we’re going to buy them, & nationalise them.’ So, great, we’re going to incentive banks further to make crappier loans. What a great thing.” — Craig Wright.

2017.Jul.20 — “At the end of the day, we own a lot of Bitcoin. The simple thing is, if we make the network scale, if we make it bigger, my main compensation, more than anything anyone could ever pay me, is, the price of Bitcoin goes up. So, that’s my pure drive. I want Bitcoin not to go up to $10,000, or $100,000. I want it to be worth $million’s, per Bitcoin. That’s it & that’s what we spend money for. Very simple.” — CSW, Tokyo 20th July 2017

2019.Apr.11 — Dr Craig Wright was granted U.S copyright registration of the Bitcoin White Paper.

“U.S. copyright registration no. TXu 2–136–996, effective date April 11, 2019, for the paper entitled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, with year of completion 2008. The registration recognizes the author as Craig Steven Wright, using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.”

2019.Apr.13 — Dr Craig Wright was granted U.S copyright of the Bitcoin computer program.

“U.S. copyright registration no. TX-8–708–058, effective date April 13, 2019, for computer program entitled Bitcoin, with year of completion 2009 and date of first publication January 3, 2009. The registration recognizes the author as Craig Steven Wright, using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Wright wrote most of version 0.1 of the Bitcoin client software, and the registration covers the portions he authored.”

2020.Jan.14 — Confirmation that the keys to the Tulip Trust, containing the “1.1m Satoshi Coin’s,” were returned to Dr Craig Wright via bonded courier.

2020.Feb.26 — In a court examination Gavin Andresen admits he was convinced “beyond reasonable doubt” in thinking that Craig Wright was Satoshi Nakamoto: “…you walked away from the meeting, beyond reasonable doubt, thinking Craig is Satoshi? A. Yes.
Q. And that was April 7th?
A. Yes.” p119
“…he bamboozled me about the gobbledygook proof, but I still think it’s most likely that he did not bamboozle me during the signing ceremony.
Q. And he really does have possession of the private key to block 9?
A. I still think it’s more likely than not that he does.” p163

2021.Jun.28 — London’s High Court grants Dr Craig Wright, via default judgment, copyright ownership of the Bitcoin White Paper as the defendant, Cøbra, opted not to defend the claim.


2021.Dec.06 — A Florida jury found that Dr Craig Wright did not owe half of 1.1 million bitcoins to the family of David Kleiman, in a court case that saw Ira Kleiman, as the personal representative of the Estate of Dave Kleiman, the Plaintiff, v. Craig Wright, the Defendant.

2022.Aug.01 — U.K High Court Judge, Martin Chamberlain, ruled that comments made by podcaster Peter McCormack, calling Dr Craig Wright “a liar” and “a fraud” in 2019, caused “serious harm” to Wright’s reputation.

2022.Oct.21 — The last of the patents related to Bitcoin scaling were filed. Research demonstrates Bitcoin can scale to over 10^¹¹ TPS, with costs under $0.00001 USD a standard TX, 100x lower than any other transaction processing system ever created.

2023.Feb.07 — In his written judgment, Judge Edward James Mellor ruled that Dr Wright “expended substantial skill and judgement in creating the Bitcoin File Format…”
29. In line with the indication above, for the purposes of this application I assume that Dr Wright created the Bitcoin File Format and it was the product of his own intellectual creation. As already stated, there is no doubt about the structure of a Bitcoin Block,
50. There were a number of points made in Counsel’s submissions with which I have no difficulty whatsoever. Indeed, each of the following points I had already assumed in Dr Wright’s favour, either explicitly or implicitly:
i) That Dr Wright expended substantial skill and judgement in creating the Bitcoin File Format, such that the originality/intellectual creativity requirement is met.
ii) That Dr Wright devised and created the Bitcoin File Format in the course of writing the code for the Bitcoin System;

2023.Feb.09 — A UK High Court judge permits two points of claim for Dr Craig Wright on: 1) Bitcoin Database Infringement Right, &, 2) Copyright infringement of the Bitcoin white paper.

“I was and am satisfied that the claims in database right and of infringement of copyright in the White Paper raise serious issues to be tried and therefore service out of the jurisdiction of those claims should be permitted,” wrote the Judge.

The judge did not permit a 3rd claim over copyright in the defendants “Bitcoin file format” because the SegWit file format the defendants had created was an alternative file format to Bitcoin.

“Dr. Craig Wright — the Australian businessman who claims to be the creator of the Bitcoin system and the author of the Bitcoin source code and “White Paper” — successfully appealed a UK High Court decision that denied his request to serve a copyright infringement claim on defendants outside of the UK.”
Dr. Wright “expended substantial skill and judgement in creating the Bitcoin File Format,”

2023.Sep.18 — The U.K. High Court rejected an appeal from Cøbra, saying that allowing the pseudonymous operator of to participate in post-judgment costs proceedings would be an infringement on open justice. Cøbra’s appeal to do so was denied. Held: that an anonymous defendant cannot make costs submissions without revealing themselves. The Justice quoted the 2016 U.K. Supreme Court decision of R (on the application of C) v Secretary of State for Justice.

2023.Nov.04 — COPA entered Particulars of their claim and pointed out on page 29, point ID_000073, Statistics Assessment homework, that Craig had altered a sentence in a written work for Northumbria University on 17th September 2005 that, “contains hidden embedded content indicating that the content was copied directly from the Bitcoin White Paper”. The Bitcoin White Paper was released on 31st October 2008. COPA claims that the new sentence in the work submitted on 28th October 2005 is, “a genuine document”, & happens to “contains language similar to that found in the Bitcoin White Paper.”

This insinuates that Dr Craig Wright travelled forward in time from 17th September 2005 to copy works written by the pseudonym ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ on 31st October 2008, & then travelled back in time to 28th October 2005 in order to plagiarise Satoshi Nakamoto in his work for Northumbria University.

The simple explanation is that Dr Craig Wright was creating works back in 2005 in preparation for releasing & publishing the Bitcoin White Paper publicly 31st October 2008.

2023.Nov.19 — The Times News Paper publishes an article titled: Who is the real Satoshi Nakamoto? Scientist fights to prove he’s bitcoin creator. Craig Wright is taking on Twitter’s founder and other tech giants at the High Court. The prize is becoming one of the world’s richest men.

2023.Dec.20 — Judgment on the issues raised at the pre-trial review (PTR) held on Friday 15th December 2023 released.

2024.Jan.15 — The date set for COPA vs Craig Wright (The largest court case in financial history).

2024.Jan.15 — Tulip Trading & chain developers:

2024.Jan.24 — Dr Craig Wright issues settlement offer to COPA members and all parties in upcoming intellectual property litigation.

24th January (2024): COPA rejects Craig Wright’s offer

2024.May.20 — Judge Edward James Mellor releases his written judgment declaring that “Dr Wright” was not Satoshi Nakamoto & did not start the Bitcoin network…

2024.Jul.16 — Judge refers ‘bitcoin inventor’ to CPS over courtroom lies

2024.Jul.16 — Dr Craig Wright was order by Judge Mellor, of the UK High Court, to post a notice on his social media denying his claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto.

2024.Jul.16 — Crypto open Patent Alliance vs Dr Craig Wright: APPROVED JUDGMENT

2024.Aug.5 — COPA appeal filed.

2024.Oct.10: Craig Wright filed a claim for £911,050,000,000 against BTC Core & Square




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