Bitcoin: Why “Satoshi Nakamoto”?

3 min readMar 1, 2020


Why did Satoshi Nakamoto choose a Japanese pseudonym to author his Bitcoin white paper?

For a digital currency to have any fundamental value it must not have a central point of authority, control or influence. So, this leaves a paradoxical question; How can a credible, digital currency be started when it’s the very start point (which gives it a central point of authority) that discredits it?

This was the paradox that “Satoshi Nakamoto” solved in order to create Bitcoin, which differentiates Bitcoin & provides its fundamental value over all other cryptocurrencies. Satoshi Nakamoto wrote his white paper titled; “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” in the English Language & released it to the western world, but used a Japanese pseudonym as the author’s name. Since his identity has remained a mystery this allowed the Bitcoin network to grow without any central point of authority, control or influence over a period of 10 years. It’s this growth of the network that gives Bitcoin its fundamental value because it’s not something that the Governments of either the USA or China could simply replicate themselves overnight.

To further understand the paradox of the centralised starting point ready my Medium article titled “Bitcoin: The Paradox of the Centralised Starting Point” linked here —

So, why use a Japanese pseudonym? Simple, he needed a name that would provide the most credibility & the best chance of keeping his true identity hidden. Japan is a highly developed, technologically advanced, politically neutral & relatively insular country of which only a small percentage of the world's population speak the language. It is also the country located furthest away from the western world where the Bitcoin white paper was initially released, which is why Japan is often referred to as the “Land of the Rising Sun”.

If the author had chosen a name commonly used by a developing or 3rd world country suspicions would be raised about his identity & why the creator of such a brilliant piece of work didn’t reveal himself to reap the financial rewards of such academic acclaim. If he’d used a name associated with a politically sensitive country such as Russia or China then again suspicions would be raised about his political agenda.

Using a Japanese name raised the least suspicion about his intentions, gave his work the most credibility & indicated that he was located as far away from the starting point of the Bitcoin project as possible in a country that provided a language barrier to prevent his true identity from being revealed. It’s this that enabled the decentralisation of the centralised starting point of Bitcoin.

“Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” created by Satoshi Nakamoto has a protocol named Bitcoin Satoshi Vision, known as Bitcoinˢᵛ & has a ticker symbol (BSV).

To understand why the Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin protocol is known as Bitcoinˢᵛ & has the ticker symbol BSV read my Medium article titled: “Bitcoin: A Tail of Blockchain BTC/BCH/BSV” linked here —

Satoshi Nakamoto had a vision. That vision was Bitcoin. Bitcoin is Satoshi’s Vision. Bitcoin is BSV.

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